Wednesday 8 May 2024

RTM can reuse its former Sarawak FM's shortwave frequency SW 9835kHz to broadcast exclusively Talidio Kenyah and Radio Kayan in order to allow both programs have more airtime for Kenyah and Kayan community in Sarawak.

RTM closed down Sarawak FM's shortwave frequency SW 9835kHz since mid-2022 due to conversion to DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale).

Until today, SW 9835kHz is not used by RTM Sarawak FM.

Currently Talidio Kenyah is struggling to extend its broadcast airtime on radio platform (Miri FM) due to limited broadcast schedule, even Radio Kayan on Miri FM's frequency is unable to have full airtime like Wai FM Kayan in Kuching and Serian.

To reach more Kayan and Kenyah communities in deep rural areas where have no coverage of existing FM radio transmission, RTM can relaunch its shortwave frequency SW 9835kHz to air Radio Kayan and Talidio Kenyah as an individual radio station.

By not mentioning "Belaga FM", Radio Kayan/Talidio Kenyah SW 9835kHz can become 35th RTM radio station.

The relaunch of SW 9835kHz for Talidio Kenyah/Radio Kayan will allow Orang Ulu people (Kayan and Kenyah) in rural areas to access the information and entertainment via radio. In addition, it also allows Radio Kayan and Talidio Kenyah to extend their broadcast airtime as they broadcast independently and individually. 

Alongside SW 9835kHz, RTM can launch Talidio Kenyah and Radio Kayan on independent FM frequency for Miri Division by launching transmitter in Bukit Lambir and RTM Miri, while Bukit TT844 Suai is an optional.

About the airtime, here is my suggested broadcast schedule of RTM radio station on SW 9835kHz and new FM frequency in Miri.

SW 9835kHz can just broadcast from 0600-0000 hours, while 0000-0600 hours is off air.

* 0600-1200 hours: Talidio Kenyah

* 1200-1800 hours: Radio Kayan

* 1800-2100 hours: Talidio Kenyah

* 2100-0000 hours: Radio Kayan

* 0000-0600 hours: Relay Sarawak FM (SW 9835kHz can off air from 0000-0600 hours)

For FM broadcast in Miri, I suggest FM 107.6MHz in Bukit Lambir for Radio Kayan and Talidio Kenyah to cover Miri city. 

As I was told that Miri has no Bidayuh residents, so I don't suggest this new radio station to relay Wai FM Bidayuh during non-broadcast hours of Radio Kayan and Talidio Kenyah. 

Regarding the name, I suggest "Wai FM Kayan/Kenyah" which is exclusively for Miri Division, while SW 9835kHz for entire Borneo.

If Radio Kayan and Talidio Kenyah broadcast on new frequency, so Miri FM can relay Wai FM Iban program "Rentak Ngalih Hari" from 3pm to 6pm.

Hope RTM can place consideration of launching Wai FM Kayan/Kenyah on SW 9835kHz and a new FM frequency in Miri.

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