Wednesday 15 January 2020

My proposal of CityPlus FM Penang frequency 93.1MHz Bukit Larut in 2017/18 cannot be used due to Asyik FM 93.1MHz Bukit Ladang Teh for Lenggong, Perak.

On 2nd May 2017, Malaysia Chinese business radio station CityPlus FM was officially launched in Negeri Sembilan and South Klang Valley on FM 106.0MHz from Gunung Telapak Burok. In addition, I was used to propose CityPlus FM to expand coverage to Penang by plotting basic coverage report.

At that time, there had no available frequencies in Penang regardless the transmitter site from Gunung Jerai, Bukit Penara or Seberang Jaya. Therefore, I tried to propose CityPlus FM to use Bukit Larut as transmitter site to cover Penang because Taiping Bukit Larut was likely having available frequency to beam to Penang.

6 years ago, I listed four available FM frequencies for Taiping and Northwest Perak, such as 88.8MHz, 92.4MHz, 93.1MHz and 105.7MHz. As 2019, none of frequencies were suitable for CityPlus FM to cover Penang from Bukit Larut.

- 88.8MHz: Not suitable because IKIM FM fully upgraded Gunung Jerai transmission 89.0MHz to cause Taiping can receive loudly and clearly. 
- 92.4MHz: Not suitable because interference to Nasional FM 92.3MHz Bukit Ladang Teh coverage in Lenggong, Sauk and  Lawin.
- 93.1MHz: Not suitable because co-channel interference to Asyik FM 93.1MHz Bukit Ladang Teh coverage in Lawin, Sauk and Lenggong.
- 105.7MHz: Although the frequency is suitable to cover Taiping and North Perak with lower transmission power, but it is not suitable to beam Penang direction as it can cause co-channel interference to RTM Kedah FM 105.7MHz Gunung Raya coverage in Langkawi. In addition, by beaming signal from Bukit Larut to Penang on 105.7MHz, it could not guarantee Penang listeners will receive CityPlus FM 105.7MHz in Penang (especially Georgetown, Butterworth, Juru and Penang Island), instead co-channel interference signal from Kedah FM 105.7MHz Gunung Raya unless RTM Kedah FM changes the frequency.

Back to Q3 2017, I proposed CityPlus FM Penang frequency with 93.1MHz Bukit Larut at 2kW, even 3.5kW power ( During that time, I had no much of data to look into existing spectrum analysis because I never been in Taiping, Kuala Kangsar, Lenggong and Sungai Siput (U) before. Therefore, I classified FM 93.1MHz as available frequency in Bukit Larut.

After a year from the proposal event, I began to realize that RTM Asyik FM is using FM 93.1MHz in Bukit Ladang Teh for Lawin, Lenggong, Sauk and part of Gerik when I read older Asyik FM Facebook post. Then, I verified with RTM again, I was informed that Asyik FM uses 93.1MHz for Lenggong and Hulu Perak. After that, I found my proposal for CityPlus FM Penang frequency by using Bukit Larut site on 93.1MHz is not workable because co-channel interference to Asyik FM 93.1MHz Bukit Ladang Teh, Lenggong.

Here is the analysis:

92.8MHz: Hitz FM Gunung Jerai
93.1MHz: CityPlus FM Bukit Larut
<300kHz, OK>

93.1MHz: CityPlus FM Bukit Larut
93.1MHz: Nasional FM Gunung Brinchang
<0kHz, OK>

93.0MHz: Radio Thailand Betong
93.1MHz: CityPlus FM Bukit Larut
<100kHz, OK>

92.7MHz: Hitz FM Gunung Kledang
93.1MHz: CityPlus FM Bukit Larut
<400kHz, OK>

92.9MHz: Hitz FM Gunung Ulu Kali
93.1MHz: City Plus FM Bukit Larut
<200kHz, OK>

93.1MHz: CityPlus FM Bukit Larut
93.1MHz: Asyik FM Bukit Ladang Teh
<0kHz, co-channel interference>

According to the RF analysis above, FM 93.1MHz is no longer suitable to be used in Bukit Larut as interference to Asyik FM 93.1MHz Bukit Ladang Teh coverage. Moreover, Asyik FM uses the frequency there since late 2015.

During Christmas holiday week, I traveled to Taiping. I drove via main road after I exited from Ipoh toll in order to have breakfast in Sungai Siput (U). From Sungai Siput (U) to Kuala Kangsar, I could receive Asyik FM 93.1MHz from Bukit Ladang Teh in Salak Baru (West Sungai Siput (U) and Enggor, just a bit weaker of its receiving signal.

In conclusion, to expand broadcast coverage for CityPlus FM in Penang, I need to seek another proposed site (not to disclose here as I classify it as confidential), but at the same time, interference is the biggest concern.

Tuesday 14 January 2020

輕鬆話題: 對主流電台過度宣傳很厭倦? 不妨試聽CityPlus FM. (附加我的農曆新年祝福語)


昨晚我到YouTube收看三立新聞直播前, 我無意中看到這個視頻, 是馬來西亞網紅Dennis林明最新的短片, 是與2020年農曆新年有點關係.

雖然這部視頻是很好笑, 但我十分認同他在短片裡所表達的東西. Dennis把這部影片做得很好的.

對! 大台已經推出了新賀歲專輯單曲"好運鼠於你", 所有的人不斷追這首歌曲並被它洗腦一輪. 農曆新年前幾個星期, 到處都是播放這首歌曲....

購物廣場,超級市場, 廁所, 學校, 書店, 車內, 辦公室, 游泳池, 廚房, 睡房, 餐廳, 咖啡廳.... 到處都有"好運鼠於你". 雖然這部影片是向大家開玩笑, 但以了解這部影片細節的角度來看, Dennis林明這部短片也表達了部分公眾的心聲, 因為有些人對這首歌很反感. 除此之外, 這部影片也無意中暗諷主流媒體為了大大宣傳, 就不斷重複地播放"好運鼠於你", 然後折磨了聽眾的耳朵和腦袋. 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

主流媒體/平台一個不好之處就是對部份的人製造反感, 就是因為過份包裝/過度商業化.

其實我也沒有像他們一樣跟風去聽"好運鼠於你"因為我已經知道這些都是過度包裝的新年賀歲產品. 看回去往年的包裝, "活出自己, 快樂Whopee"和"勇氣棒嘟嘟", 這些都是過度包裝及宣傳.

網紅Dennis林明這部影片同時也有笑點的, 比如:
1. 廁所馬桶和微波爐都播放"好運鼠於你". 科技先進, 廁所馬桶和微波爐有具備FM/AM收音機.
2. 韓國女子組合Twice會唱"好運鼠於你".
3. 對中文主流電台已經很反感, 嘗試轉去聽印度電台89.0 (看到他的短片是在檳城拍攝, 但實際上89.0在檳城是伊斯蘭電台, 也有阿拉伯語節目), 結果又播放"好運鼠於你". 印度電台都會播放"好運鼠於你", 可能是Raaga吧! MY FM的姐妹台來的.
4. 父親的手機響, 又來"好運鼠於你", 最終丟砸手機去.

我看了這部影片, 我都覺得很好笑, 但也覺得很嘲諷的感覺. 我不是嘲諷他, 而是暗地裡嘲諷主流電台的宣傳方式. 

我本身有試聽這首歌曲, 只不過一次而已, 跟往年的2018和2019年的賀歲專輯. 這首歌很像"小太陽"的新年賀歲歌曲, 有專門鎖定小朋友的新年歌曲的感覺, 但這只不過是我的私人立場.

在電台聽了很多次的"好運鼠於你", 但你對它十分反感. 不要再折磨自己了, 繼續下去擔心你搞出病來...

我有好點子. 不用頭痛, 不用煩, 不用折磨自己, 聽CityPlus FM吧! 我101%包定你絕對不會在CityPlus FM聽到"好運鼠於你". CityPlus FM除了播放原創和獨立音樂, 也有營養豐富的資訊訪談, 肯定讓你每次收聽都有收穫! 來臨的農曆新年, CityPlus FM也有播放方言新年歌和讓你覺得回味無窮的賀歲歌曲. 

收聽CityPlus FM有兩種方式:

1. 收聽頻率:
- FM 106.0MHz: 森美蘭, 巴生谷, 彭亨中部, 馬六甲西北部和柔佛東北部.
- FM 92.5MHz: 古晉

2. 下載CityPlus FM的手機應用程序 (Google Play Store, Apple App Store). 簽購Unlimited data配套, 並可無限收聽CityPlus FM.

農曆新年還不到兩個星期就來臨了. 我Philip楊振鋒, Philip DXing Log的版主, 也是獨立部落格作者, 向所有的華裔同胞們祝賀恭喜發財, 新年快樂, 萬事如意, 出入平安, 事業順利, 學業進步, 事事如意... 還有最重要的是身體健康,身體健康最重要, 除了飲食習慣方面, 我也希望大家不要因為聽太多次"好運鼠於你"而弄傷大家的健康. 聽是可以, 只不過要控制自己, 不要過龍就對了. 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Thursday 2 January 2020

CityPlus FM 106.0MHz from Gunung Telapak Burok is receivable in Raub, Pahang?

CityPlus FM 106.0MHz, Chinese business radio station based in Negeri Sembilan can be received in part of Pahang from Gunung Telapak Burok, mainly Bera district (except Kemayan), Temerloh, Maran, Manchis and Simpang Pelangai, but surprisingly CityPlus FM 106.0MHz Gunung Telapak Burok can be received in Raub, Pahang.

When I traveled from Bentong to Raub, I will pass through Lurah Bilut (a small town between Bentong and Raub). Bentong is hard to receive CityPlus FM 106.0MHz from Gunung Telapak Burok because it is fully blocked by Titiwangsa Mountains, but I could receive CityPlus FM 106.0MHz in the car after Lurah Bilut when I was on the way to Raub. CityPlus FM 106.0MHz Gunung Telapak Burok availability is only in certain Raub locations.

In addition, it is not easy to receive CityPlus FM 106.0MHz in Raub because RTM Nasional FM from Bukit Fraser transmits on 106.2MHz to cover Raub town, so you will heard interference noise from Nasional FM 106.2MHz Bkt Fraser on FM 106.0MHz via radio receiver unless you're using high sensitivity radio receiver such as TECSUN and SANGEAN.

Distance from Gunung Telapak Burok to Raub is 110km.