Tuesday 19 June 2018

988 FM can be received in Kelantan?

988 FM fka RFM 98.8 and Redi FM 98.8 is Malaysia oldest Chinese commercial radio station, from cable radio to FM terrestrial radio, operated by Star Radio Group. Until today, 988 FM broadcasts only Peninsular Malaysia except Kelantan and Terengganu.

988 FM did not expand coverage in Kelantan and Terengganu as there are very less Chinese demographics, compare to other states. At the same time, Kelantan and Terengganu have no commercial value for 988. For east coast region, 988 FM is only available in Kuantan on FM 90.4MHz from Bukit Pelindung. 

988 FM can be accessed in Southern Terengganu (Kemaman, Jabor, Cherul, Cheneh, Kijal and Chukai) on FM 90.4MHz from Kuantan. 988 FM 90.4MHz can be only received up to Kijal Terengganu, signal goes weak when reach Kerteh.

Listen to 988 FM via online or mobile app is not surprise, but it is very freak when Kelantan can receive 988 through a radio receiver.

Surprisingly, 988 FM can be received in part of Kelantan from a very far away transmitter site where more than 180km distance. In Kelantan, 988 FM is classified as distant radio station. 988 FM 96.1MHz from Gunung Jerai mainly covers Kedah, Perlis, Penang and some Langkawi areas, even it can be accessed in some Thailand areas such as Betong, Sadao, Danok and Satun. Perhaps its transmitter power is 10kW from Gunung Jerai, it can transmit to some Kelantan areas actually.

988 FM 96.1MHz from Gunung Jerai can be accessed in part of Kelantan, such as Kota Bharu, Kubang Kerian, Pasir Mas, Pengkalan Chepa and Wakaf Baharu. In Kelantan, Chinese people population is only 3%, I believe they are staying in north Kelantan areas including Kota Bharu. Technically, 988 FM can gain some Chinese listeners in Kelantan via 96.1MHz.

== RF analysis==

96.0MHz: MCOT Narathiwat
96.1MHz: 988 FM Gunung Jerai
<100kHz, OK>

96.1MHz: 988 FM Gunung Jerai
96.2MHz: Terengganu FM Bukit Bintang
<100kHz, OK>

Based on RF analysis above, there are no problem on spectrum allocation.

988 FM 96.1MHz cannot be accessed in Tumpat and Kelantan areas where nearby Thailand border due to MCOT Narathiwat FM 96.0MHz, meanwhile Kelantan areas where nearby Terengganu border cannot receive 988 FM 96.1MHz from Gunung Jerai due to Terengganu FM 96.2MHz Bukit Bintang.

I'm very appreciate to my friend from Kelantan for sending me 988 FM 96.1MHz reception in Kelantan through Whatsapp. The video shows that 988 FM 96.1MHz reception is taken at HUSM Kubang Kerian, nearby Kota Bharu. Gunung Jerai contributes much commercial driven in northern region, but it also serves some Kelantan areas.

Seriously, to get better reception of 988 in Kelantan, high quality (such as Tecsun, or Sony) radio receivers are recommended where have filtering devices to reduce interference noise. 

10 years ago, I was listening to 988 FM, I still remembered 988 FM DJ said that  the radio station was accessible in Kelantan.

Overall, 988 FM is available in Kota Bharu, Kubang Kerian, Pasir Mas and some flatted areas on 96.1MHz, meanwhile for south Kelantan such as Lojing and Gua Musang can receive 988 on either 98.8 or 99.8.

Wednesday 13 June 2018


馬來西亞歷史悠久的中文商業電台988的廣播頻率範圍都是專注在西馬半島的西海岸, 彭亨(關丹)只是唯一一個東海岸州屬有988頻率. 988在馬來西亞西馬半島只是沒有在瓜拉登嘉樓和哥打峇魯設有廣播頻率, 因為這兩個地區是毫無商業價值, 加上當地華人人口極少

目前登嘉樓南部的甘馬挽地區還可以通過988關丹頻道FM 90.4MHz收到友聲有色的988. 關丹頻道90.4是從Bukit Pelindung發射, 除了覆蓋彭亨東部, 988可以聽到登嘉樓的Kijal (琪佳).

吉蘭丹收到988? 網絡收聽, 我覺得不出奇, 但通過收音機收到988, 我個人感覺到很驚訝. 雖然988沒有來哥打峇魯開設頻率, 但是當地地區其實還可以通過收音機收聽988. 在吉蘭丹, 988可以收聽的頻率是FM 96.1MHz. 吉蘭丹收到的988 FM 96.1MHz訊號其實來自吉打州的Gunung Jerai. 988 FM 96.1MHz Gunung Jerai其實主要覆蓋吉打, 玻璃市, 檳城, 和蘭卡威 (Langkawi), 但是其發射可以來到吉蘭丹部分地區.

吉蘭丹是沒有商業價值的州屬, 也是因為當地州政府的神權政策導致變成西馬半島最貧窮的州屬, 投資者因為當地政府政策而不打算投資吉蘭丹, 導致其州屬發展比彭亨落後. 談到988在吉蘭丹的市場, 用人口角度來看, 吉蘭丹華人人口只是佔3%, 就算988在當地有頻道, 收聽率和商業價值方面也未必看到新的成績.

談回吉蘭丹可以收到988電台的事宜, 當地吉蘭丹華人需要用高品質的收音機收聽988. 其實不是所有的吉蘭丹地區可以收到988 FM 96.1MHz的訊號, 有些地區會遇到鄰國電台的干擾.

96.0MHz: MCOT Narathiwat
96.1MHz: 988 FM Gunung Jerai
<100kHz, OK>

96.1MHz: 988 FM Gunung Jerai
96.2MHz: Terengganu FM Bukit Bintang
<100kHz, OK>

頻率分析方面, 也沒有問題.
988 FM 96.1MHz在靠近泰國邊界的吉蘭丹東北部被泰國陶公府電台MCOT Narathiwat FM 96.0MHz干擾, 另外靠近登嘉樓邊界的地區則完全收不到988因為其訊號被RTM Terengganu FM登嘉樓分台勿述Besut頻道FM 96.2MHz (Bukit Bintang)蓋掉.

同時,剛好我有個住在吉蘭丹的馬來朋友通過Whatsapp傳送988 FM 96.1MHz在吉蘭丹訊號狀態的短片給我, 所以讓我到部落格分享這個短片. 首先, 我非常感謝他傳送這個短片給我. 據說, 他拍下的短片是在車內, 地區則是在靠近哥打峇魯的Kubang Kurian的HUSM醫院. 988吉打/玻璃市頻道96.1果然很強, 可以發射到吉蘭丹部分地區. 之前我提議廢除988檳城頻道FM 94.5MHz, 我認為988吉打頻道96.1會做出很巨大的商業貢獻, 不止服務北馬的吉打, 玻璃市, 檳城和泰國南部的沙敦, 勿洞和宋卡, 也同時無意中服務了吉蘭丹部分地區.

10年前, 我是一直聽988電台, 我還記得988當時的DJ也曾經說96.1可以在吉蘭丹聽得到. "988吉打, 玻璃市和吉蘭丹 FM 96.1MHz".

整體上, 988 FM 96.1MHz可以在吉蘭丹哥打峇魯, Kubang Kerian, 巴西馬和平地地區還可以收到. 南部方面, Lojing (靠近金馬倫高原)和話望生也可以收到988 98.8或99.8.

Monday 11 June 2018


之前我提議廢除988檳城頻道94.5MHz, 以便讓BFM或City Plus FM能使用其頻率在檳城廣播.

988目前在檳城除了94.5可以聽到, 96.1也清楚. 988目前的吉打Gunung Jerai頻道96.1功率是10kW, 相信可以覆蓋全檳城.

另外988太平頻道FM 101.0MHz (Bukit Larut) 目前的發射功率是1kW. 在我的看法, 如果檳城頻道94.5停止廣播, 988除了10kW功率的96.1, 我認為988必須增加太平頻道101.0的發射功率至2kW, 以便可以覆蓋檳城地區(南部).

94.5一旦被廢除後, 988檳城聽眾可以調去96.1或101.0繼續收聽988.

988姐妹台Suria FM馬來語電台檳城頻道只有一個頻率, 是FM 106.9MHz Gunung Jerai (跟988的96.1一樣發射地點). Red FM還沒停播和被Astro收購前, 和Capital FM還沒在檳城廣播時, Red FM在檳城有兩個頻道, 98.1 (Gn Jerai)和107.6 (Bukit Penara). Capital FM在2014年3月進軍檳城市場後, Red FM在檳城只是廣播一個頻道98.1, 反而107.6就變成Capital FM. 以前Red FM在檳城有107.6就是解決Gn Jerai的吉打頻道98.1和Bukit Larut的太平頻道98.2干擾問題, 最後98.2在2009年被停止廣播.

988太平頻道101.0建議功率: 2kW

**96.1MHz: 喬治市, 北海, Kepala Batas, 峇六拜, 巴都丁宜, 大山腳, Juru, 詩布朗再也, Tasek Gelugor, 日落洞, Air Hitam, 新邦安拔Simpang Ampat, 威省中北部
**101.0MHz: 威省中南部 (高淵, Jawi, Sungai Bakap)

在檳城, 988收聽頻道靠96.1其實很足夠, 我認為94.5已經不需要了. 一個頻道已經足夠, 太平頻道101.0也很重要, 除了覆蓋太平和霹靂西北部, 988 FM 101.0MHz也是檳城的後備頻道. 如果檳城有些地區收96.1不是很清楚, 聽眾還可以轉去101.0收聽988.

廢除988檳城頻道94.5除了把頻譜讓給新電台後, 988也可以同時省下開支, 988不需要付多一個發射站的傳輸費給馬電訊 (TM).

馬來西亞英語商業電台BFM在10年來不斷申請檳城頻道, 可惜申請被馬來西亞多媒體委員會拒絕. 我也參與部分的建議討論會, 我建議的頻率103.1未必受到MCMC批准, 或許頻率會導致對其他電台干擾. 我上個月提交我的檳城頻道建議報告給BFM, 但是103.1 Gunung Jerai的建議其實是50:50的. 在等著馬來西亞多媒體委員會的成績, 其實BFM可以跟星報集團和馬來西亞多媒體委員會討論接管988檳城頻道94.5. 如果他們批准BFM接管988檳城頻道94.5, 這也不會影響988檳城聽眾因為檳城有96.1和101.0, 所以94.5變成英語商業電台BFM.


Saturday 9 June 2018

RTM Nasional FM shall change its Bukit Fraser frequency

RTM Nasional FM Bukit Fraser gap filler transmitter was launched on 2017 for Raub and Lipis, its frequency is 106.2MHz. The 106.2 sounded for BN government propaganda before collapsed during GE-14. In my opinion, RTM wasted taxpayers money for 106.2MHz in Fraser Hill during BN era.

City Plus FM operates in Gunung Telapak Burok on FM 106.0MHz, but mainly attempt for Klang Valley. Reception is not really clear in Klang Valley

When City Plus FM is allowed to change frequency to 106.1MHz and transfer transmitter to Gunung Ulu Kali if space is available, RTM Nasional FM shall stop using 106.2MHz in Bukit Fraser. So, RTM shall change frequency for Nasional FM.

FM 93.5MHz is suggested frequency for Nasional FM in Fraser Hill because single frequency with Jerantut 93.5MHz from Bukit Istana. So it is easier to be managed by RTM itself.

It is not necessary also to have Bukit Fraser frequency for Nasional FM as Gunung Ulu Kali 95.3 can cover Raub, Pahang.

==RF analysis==

93.5MHz: Nasional FM Bukit Fraser
93.5MHz: Nasional FM Bukit Istana
<0kHz, single frequency network, OK>

93.5MHz: Nasional FM Bukit Fraser
93.6MHz: UiTM Shah Alam
<100kHz, OK>

For City Plus FM, if Nasional FM stops 106.2 Bukit Fraser and it is given way for City Plus FM on 106.1 in Gunung Ulu Kali, Klang Valley listeners can receive City Plus FM clearly on 106.1MHz.

Monday 4 June 2018

Does THR Gegar need to expand to other Pahang areas after Kuantan? Yes or no?

THR Gegar is a Malay language east coast radio station under Astro Radio where I was used to suggest regarding the coverage expansion of inner location in Pahang, Kelantan and Terengganu. In Pahang, THR Gegar operates on FM 88.8MHz for Kuantan and East Pahang from Bukit Pelindung.

In the past, I suggested Astro to expand THR Gegar coverage in other Pahang areas such as Maran, Jerantut, Raub, Lipis and Bentong because these areas cannot receive on FM 88.8MHz. Here is my suggestion that I made in 2016 and 2017:

- FM 100.7MHz or FM 104.4MHz Bukit Senggora for Maran, Chenor and Jengka
- FM 100.7MHz Bukit Istana for Jerantut
- FM 90.7MHz Bukit Fraser for Raub, Lipis, Temerloh and Bentong

I was told by Astro that they have no plan to expand coverage there as no commercial value.

Now I'm thinking back what I did before, I don't think it is worth to expand Gegar coverage to other Pahang areas, even Kelantan Gua Musang, not only commercial value factor. The different timing between Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan is another factor.

In Kelantan and Terengganu, the working days are from Sunday till Thursday, but Friday and Saturday are the weekend of these two states. Meanwhile Pahang is same as Kuala Lumpur and international, Monday till Friday is Pahang working days, then Saturday and Sunday are weekend for Pahang.

According to radio listenership of Gegar, Kelantan is the highest listenership, following by Terengganu and Pahang. The main market of Gegar is Kelantan and Terengganu, so the radio station weekdays schedule is from Sunday to Thursday, based on Kelantan and Terengganu day frame, meanwhile Gegar weekend show is on Friday and Saturday.

In my opinion, I think Gegar Kuantan frequency FM 88.8MHz is just "penumpang" (by-pass occupant) as 88.8MHz also targets South Terengganu areas such as Kemaman, Kijal, Chukai, Felda Cheneh, Jabor etc. Seriously, Bukit Pelindung FM 88.8MHz is very important also for Gegar, especially Southern Terengganu.

Imagine if Gegar has no Kuantan frequency, I think Southern Terengganu listeners cannot access the radio station via radio. I even don't think Astro can launch Kemaman frequency for Gegar in Bukit Kemuning as lower commercial value, compare to Bukit Pelindung. Bukit Kemuning coverage is not wide as Bukit Pelindung.

Bukit Pelindung does not only cover East Pahang (Kuantan, Pekan and Gambang), it also covers Southern Terengganu.

Pahang is the biggest state in Peninsular Malaysia. Generally Pahang is classified as east coast region, but some of areas are not classified as east coast areas where closed to west coast states border or very far away from Kuantan and Pekan. "Permata Pantai Timur" (Jewellery of East Coast) is the tagline of Gegar, technically "Pantai Timur" of Pahang is Kuantan and Pekan. Fraser Hill, Cameron Highlands, Bentong, Genting, Raub, and Bera are not considered as "Pahang Timur" in terms of geographical condition.

Even I don't think Gegar to expand coverage in South-east Pahang to cover Rompin and Tioman by launching transmitter in Kuala Rompin because Pahang working day and weekend are not same as Gegar schedule where are more on Terengganu and Kelantan.

In conclusion, I don't think it is a needed to expand coverage to other Pahang areas for Gegar due to local conditions. The behind reason is Pahang day frame is not match to Gegar broadcast schedule, even listener rating in Pahang is far behind Terengganu and Kelantan, but listeners can access Gegar via online, Astro DVR CH863 and mobile app.

Sunday 3 June 2018

RTM Minnal FM shall migrate Ipoh frequency to FM 99.0MHz

More than 2 decades, RTM Minnal FM always suffers interference issue in Perak state after launching of 988 FM since 1996. 

Minnal FM current Ipoh frequency is FM 98.9MHz, transmitted from Gunung Kledang. It is always clashed by 988 FM 98.8MHz from Gunung Ulu Kali in many Perak areas, critical locations are:

- Teluk Intan
- Langkap
- Air Mawang
- Kampung Gajah
- Sitiawan
- Lumut
- Pulau Pangkor
- Hutan Melintang

These areas above are under Gunung Kledang coverage actually. 988 has no problem with the interference issue because listeners there tune to FM 99.8MHz from Gunung Kledang, but Minnal FM is the problem because alternative frequency FM 96.3MHz Gn Ulu Kali and FM 107.9MHz Bukit Larut are less stable.

Ayer Tawar reception is ok as 988 FM 98.8MHz cannot be received there.

I had highlighted this many years ago, since 2011. I also wrote an email to RTM engineering department regarding this issue by revealing my suggestion, I was told that RTM radio stations are using 6+1 transmitter system, where 6 transmitters share with 1 standby antenna. So, they are difficult to change Minnal FM Ipoh frequency, despite FM 98.9MHz was used earlier than FM 98.8MHz. To change frequency, RTM needs to pay high cost because need to remove many transmission equipment. Under BN era, RTM is always loss making public media.

Now, Pakatan Harapan takes over Barisan Nasional as Malaysia government, and YB Gobind Singh Deo is appointed as Communications and Multimedia Minister, so RTM is going for full revolution within 6 months. Besides of its programming revolution, RTM shall look back of its interfered frequencies on its radio stations in order to serve better to public by solving interference issue.

Because Minnal FM Ipoh frequency 98.9MHz suffers interference with 988 FM 98.8MHz for 22 years, it is impossible to urge 988 to change frequency due to the branding. Therefore, to serve Perak Indians better in terms of reception issue, I think RTM Minnal FM shall change its Ipoh frequency to FM 99.0MHz. Current FM 98.9MHz is too closed to FM 98.8MHz, so Minnal FM shall move further 100kHz on Ipoh frequency. Minimum frequency separation between Gunung Kledang and Gunung Ulu Kali is 200kHz.
==Minnal FM Ipoh frequency suggestion== 
* Frequency: FM 99.0MHz
* Power: 2kW (same as current 98.9MHz)
* Transmitter site: Gunung Kledang (same as current 98.9MHz)

==RF analysis of Minnal FM 99.0MHz Ipoh frequency==

98.8MHz: 988 FM Gunung Ulu Kali
99.0MHz: Minnal FM Gunung Kledang
<200kHz, GOOD>

98.7MHz: Traxx FM Gunung Jerai
99.0MHz: Minnal FM Gunung Kledang
<300kHz, OK>

99.0MHz: Minnal FM Gunung Kledang
99.3MHz: Raaga FM Gunung Ulu Kali
<300kHz, OK>

98.9MHz: Minnal FM Bukit Penara/Bukit Genting
99.0MHz: Minnal FM Gunung Kledang
<100kHz, OK>

99.0MHz: Minnal FM Gunung Kledang
99.1MHz: Fly FM Alor Setar Tower
<100kHz, OK>

In conclusion, I hope RTM Minnal FM will migrate Ipoh frequency to FM 99.0MHz. Therefore, those affected Perak areas can receive Minnal FM from Gunung Kledang on 99.0MHz loudly and clearly, even South Perak areas like Sungkai and Terolak still can get it.     

Saturday 2 June 2018

Zayan is criticized for over-playing crappy teen pop?

Zayan FM is a Malay radio station to target modern Muslim listeners. Zayan means "beautifier" in Arabic language, I learn a new Arabic word again. Heheheh! XD

As I commented its programming last year for being too young and slapstick, which are conflicting the needs of Muslim listeners, previously I also said that Zayan FM sounded closer to Era which served younger listeners (Gen Y and Z). Now, I read this recently, I like this post ever.

In my opinion, what I want to say is "Best one ever". 

The post means that the Facebook users Hana Syed which is also Zayan listener asks Zayan to stop playing those teen pop. She is unsure what the song title is on the radio station, but with the lyrics "God, please help me to love him/her". Then she says that she hears that song again at 11pm after she already listened to this song on Zayan around 9pm, so she states that she cannot listen to this station anymore, forces to listen to other radio station. Next, she asks are other people ok with that crappy song, she feels confused.

What I like the most on her post is her sentence, "lagu budak tak habis sekolah". Hahahhaha! XD

Literally, "Lagu budak tak habis sekolah" means the songs for the boy/girl who never finish the school. Actually, it is teen pop.

"Budak tak habis sekolah" is the people who are still not ending the high school (not including university or college), aka teenagers or childhood. If a person still never finish his/her college/university studies, that one is not called as "budak tak habis sekolah" as he/she has completed school studies.

From my view, it is very shameful when a religion radio station play those crappy teen songs on air, which criticized by listeners.

I'm usually doing FM DXing (distance radio reception), so I also will tune to Zayan for a while to know about its programming. Yeah! I agree with Hana Syed's comment, because I feel that Zayan is playing more crappy songs than real song (lagu ketuhanan, lagu keindahan, Nasyid)  where close to religion one. From Aishah (Projector Band's song), Zalikha (Floor 88's song), then those teen pop love songs like Era, most of them are crappy much. 

When my friend who works in radio industry (not Astro) asks me how about this radio station, I heavily criticized it for playing crappy songs and slapstick. Hahahaha! XD

Era plays teen pop and new Malay songs, but Zayan plays too. This already creates internal competition between Zayan and Era. Seriously, Era already serves young listeners by playing hot contemporary songs and teen pop, so Zayan shall avoid from playing it.

Rather than playing "lagu budak tak habis sekolah", Zayan shall concentrate on Islamic value music. To become non-ordinary, Zayan needs to play Islamic songs (aka Nasyid) more, not those crappy teen pop. Islamic pop is also welcomed too to serve modern Muslim listeners better.

For Ramadan month, I partially satisfy with its programming as it provides more Islamic value by playing Nasyid, but I still hate Zayan for playing crappy teen song also. 

Weekend shows seems "nothing" other than Salam Bros/Zayan Valet repeats, so Zayan can add its Nasyid chart show on weekend. "Carta Nasyid 30 di Zayan" sounds nice.

Besides the music (Nasyid chart show), Zayan can air 2 hours Quran recite commentary (bacaan al-Quran) programs after Zohor prayer actually (weekend programme). So, this can make better competition with IKIM FM.

As an another Muslim targeted radio station in Malaysia after IKIM FM and Salam FM, Zayan shall go for competition. First, this can make commercial driven. Second, this can provide another choice radio station to Muslim listeners.

My review regarding Mix FM (Malaysia)

Mix is English radio station in Malaysia, it was established since 1997 to target 25-34 years old listeners. In the past, Mix was playing the songs from 1970's till today. After it rebranded its logo in 2006, the 1970s and 1980s were transferred to Lite FM.

What I listened to Mix FM in the past was RnB, slow rock, hip hop and some contemporary music. I liked Mix FM because of 1990s, hip hop and RnB, recently Mix FM is playing more crappy "contemporary pop songs", even repeating over again, now 1990s songs are heavily reduced. Normally Mix FM is playing the songs from up to 20 years.

Despite the name, the name "Mix" is mixed of music. In 2000s, Mix FM kept its branding as "variety music radio station" with tagline Malaysia's Best Variety.

I don't care of Mix FM DJs presentations, but I strongly dislike Mix FM for playing those crappy songs. While its sister station Hitz plays the same songs over again until withdrawn because listeners feel sicked of those songs, so Mix FM becomes "recycle" radio station to play those songs where have been played on Hitz before.

I remember Mix played RnB and slow music from 1990s and 2000s at weekdays night, it is "Mix Slow Jams" from 8pm till 11pm, my favorite jams ever. Now, no more awesome RnB music from 1990s and 2000s from 8pm till 10pm, because Mix Slow Jams is minimized to 1 hour, but Mix FM plays crappy same songs from 8pm till 10pm, I dislike it actually.

On weekends, Mix also plays crappy songs from morning until night, what I hear always are Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, Camelia Cabello, Meghan Trainor etc, I feel like it is nothing different with Hitz where serve younger listeners perfectly. My favorite Mix Tape Sessions was supposedly begun from 9pm night, where I could enjoy the remix from the 1990s and 2000s, but unfortunately it just started only from 11pm.

"Mix FM, playing you the music from the 1990s, 2000s and now." That's the tagline that I listened before, but I felt that 1990s songs were lesser and not variety. There are different music genres in the 1990s, from hip-hop, RnB, rock, ballad, dance, house, upbeat to pop, but 1990s songs on Mix are only pop majority.

There are many Linkin Park songs in their discography, but MIX only play What I've Done and In The End. NOT ENOUGH LAH!

Taylor Swift has many songs actually, but Mix only plays Shake It Off most of the time, even Pitbull has many songs also, but Mix plays Give Me Everything. The rest of Pitbull songs like Hotel Room Service, Bon Bon, Fun, International Love etc seem never been on Mix at all.

That 90s Show was used to become my favorite weekend Mix FM's show in 2013, it played 2 hours 90s songs, including commercial break, but Mix That 90s Show slot was reduced to 1 hour only.

After rebranding of Astro radio stations by changing logo and withdrawing "FM" suffix on 2nd January 2018, Mix changes its tagline to "Today's Best Music" where was formerly used as awesomeness Red FM's tagline in 2009 till 2012.

Mix's Today's Best Music vs. Red's Today's Best Music. Seriously I prefer Red FM as it was more varitey, during that time Red FM plays from 1980s till today. Red FM playlists in 2009 till early 2012 were more variety.

To me, Mix new slogan Today's Best Music plays crappy songs more than the past. Hahahah! XD
My friend is listening to Mix in the car, but when comes to Despacito, he tunes to other radio station. It is fake if listeners don't feel tired with those crappy songs on Mix where play over again daily, this can torture listeners, cause mental problem, everyday Ed Sheeran, Charlie Puth, Bruno Mars etc, cause listeners to suffer "music depression syndrome" and need to go to mental health hospital to see doctor. Worst to worst! May be it can cause listeners are going to be sent to Tanjung Rambutan mental hospital because of "music depression syndrome" after listen to those crappy songs on Mix.

Sorry to all of you if you get offended of the paragraph above. I need to say it as Mix did not perform a good management of its music playlist!

Now, I need to talk about my opinion and further suggestion on Mix music playlist. About the decades, Mix FM are playing from 1990s till today, the decade range is not wider at all. I think Mix shall extend its music decade range from 1980s till today. To avoid clashing with Lite where plays classic and easy listening music, Mix shall not play 1980s sentimental and easy listening music like Chichago, Whitney Houston, Elton John etc. Due to there are no any synthpop, Eurodisco, Italo Disco where are popular in 1980s on Lite, Mix FM can play 1980s Italo Disco, synthpop, and upbeat music. For the 1990s, Mix FM shall extend its music genre to the hip-hop, gangsta rap, Eurodance, Italo House etc. Mainstream rock music is welcomed to be added.

Besides some new contemporary music, Mix shall add more 1980s, 1990s and 2000s songs where played on Hitz many years ago, even Hitz is no longer playing 2000s songs now where I listened in 2007-08.

Mix mah! Everything Mix, more variety lah!

Besides Mix FM has to improve its playlist, Mix needs to improve its weekend show. I feel the current weekend show sounds boring and nonsence (not including The Best of Mix Breakfast Show), only plays those crappy songs over again. In my opinion, Mix can add more weekend shows by putting variety range of English music from the 1980s till today. Besides Mix 30, That 90s Show and Mix Tape Session, here are my suggestions:

- The Mix Disco School (to plays 1980s Italo Disco and Euro Disco)
- Hip-Hop street on Mix (best of hip-hop)
- The Rock Show (mainstream rock such as Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Limp Bizkit etc)
- The Mix School (plays 1980s till 2000s, based on Red FM Skool Daze)

That 90 Show can be extended its programming hours actually. Even Mix FM Slow Jams shall be returned on air from 8pm, too short if set only 1 hour.

In conclusion, it will be better if Mix FM plays the role of Red FM because Red was super variety. To prevent self competition against Hitz, Mix FM shall not play more new music and teen pop. What I wish is Mix FM will be aware on this, music playlist management shall be overhauled to serve listeners better, and don't make listeners to suffer "music depression syndrome". Playing same songs over again will not help to serve listeners better, thus it will cause to make listeners to leave from listening to Mix!