Thursday 28 May 2020

ntv7 Chinese Mandarin news is to be discontinued on 8th June 2020. Next: Will Media Prima plan to dispose NTV7 and TV9?

I believe that many viewers who have been following ntv7 Mandarin news will feel disappointed because ntv7 Mandarin news is to be discontinued on 8th June 2020.

Currently ntv7 Mandarin news airs daily from 1700 hours to 1800 hours as 1 hour news. Previously, ntv7 Mandarin news airs two slots, each slot consists 30 minutes, first is at 1730 hours, then second slot is at 2230 hours.

ntv7 Mandarin news will be merged to 8TV Mandarin news, however 8TV Mandarin news slot will be extended to 1 hours, from 8pm to 9pm daily. In my opinion, the discontinuation of ntv7 Mandarin news is also part of commercial reason by Media Prima.

Seriously Media Prima suffers loss since 2014 until today due to market changes and consumers habits. Digital platform is a trend nowadays and consumers love to find their things that they want via digital platform such as watching videos via OTT, reading news via online, and listening to music via digital music platform such as Spotify/KK Box/JOOX/Deezer/YouTube. So, the conventional media platform is less preferred by consumers.

About Media Prima TV stations, it owns TV3, NTV7, 8TV, TV9, CJ Wow Shop and Drama Sangat, traditionally Media Prima operates TV3, NTV7, 8TV and TV9, meanwhile CJ Wow Shop and Drama Sangat are new channels as shopping and Malay drama content respectively.

In terms of performance, TV3 is Malaysia's no.1 TV station, meanwhile 8TV is Malaysia no.2 TV station. For segment by language, TV3 is no.1 Malay TV station in Malaysia, 8TV is no.1 Chinese TV station in Malaysia.

NTV7 and TV9 ratings are less than 4% each actually. From 2018 till now, I notice that both TV stations have poor performance.

Former Media Prima TV Networks CEO Johan Ishak implemented "1 TV Station, 1 Language" policy, and transformed ntv7 to Modern Malaysians channel. It sounded good apparently, but technically it destroyed TV9.

FYI, Johan Ishak left Media Prima since April 2020 after his contract is expired.

From 5th March 2018, NTV7 Chinese content moved to 8TV, except Mandarin news, meanwhile TV9 most programs were moved to TV3, left the channel to air CJ Wow Shop.

Although ntv7 had transformed to Modern Malaysian channel, but the rebranding was unsuccessful due to low viewership, caused the entire Malay and English programs were discontinued since 30th December 2018, then ntv7 returned Chinese slot since that day too, but most of the Chinese contents on ntv7 are rerun programs from 8TV.

The discontinuation of ntv7 Mandarin news on 8th June 2020 is part of hints that Media Prima closes down NTV7 and TV9 due to poor performance of ratings. Besides that, the entire ntv7 other than news gains poor ratings actually.

Low ratings will result no advertising. No advertising will cause no money profit. No money profit will cause loss making.

It is not easy to operate and maintain TV stations because it involves money for everything. Other than paying staff salary, TV stations needs to pay operation costs, however transmission fees are the most expensive thing when comes to TV operation. Media Prima pays a lot of money for transmission fees annually to MYTV, Telekom, and Astro Measat, I believe the minimum cost for transmission fees is about RM15million (predicted) per platform.

Media Prima launches CJ Wow Shop shopping TV programs on NTV7 and TV9 are just to extend and keep the stations alive. CJ Wow Shop on NTV7 and TV9 prevents the TV stations from being closed down, it is also an attempt to gain back the profit from loss by Media Prima via CJ Wow Shop.

In my opinion, to cut down operation of Media Prima traditional platform, and because ntv7 and TV9 don't profit from advertising as TV3 and 8TV during these 3 years, I may think Media Prima will dispose or sell NTV7 and TV9 within 3 years.

It is good to dispose NTV7 and TV9 by Media Prima to stop loss making of the company, but some of people suggests Media Prima to sell NTV7 and TV9 to new company, rather than simply dispose the channels.

Yes, suggest new company to buy acquire ntv7 and TV9, but in fact the deal to acquire ntv7 and TV9 by new company from Media Prima is not easy as what everyone thinks because it involves a lot of money and rules regulations.

It is better to sell them than simply dispose when comes to cover the loss.

Referring the past acquisition deals, Media Prima purchased Copyright Laureate Sdn Bhd Ultra FM and Pi Mai FM at RM 20 millions (rebrand to Kool FM), then Astro Radio Sdn Bhd purchases Capital FM and Red FM from Star Media Radio Group at RM 42 millions. Those deal prices stated here include transmission equipment (transmitter, antennas, combiners, filters etc), frequencies and licenses.

In the past, Media Prima acquired Metrovision, Channel 9, Natseven (ntv7 and Wa FM) and WFM 88.1MHz, the deal prices also included the transmission equipment, frequencies and licenses..

As Malaysia has done digital switchover, all the TV stations regardless RTM, Media Prima or Bernama transmission equipment and frequencies are belonged to MYTV Broadcasting Sdn Bhd. So, if a new company acquires NTV7 and TV9 from Media Prima, the deal price is no longer including transmission equipment, but just buy the entire company.

If ntv7 and TV9 are disposed or sold, Media Prima will only remain TV3, 8TV, CJ Wow Shop and Drama Sangat.

ntv7華語新聞在2020年6月8日停播, 八度空間華語新聞增加時段為1個小時. 首要媒體Media Prima未來是否會關閉ntv7和TV9??

從2020年6月8日起, 每天下午5點至6點的ntv7華語新聞會停播並走入歷史, 然後八度空間華語新聞時段會變成一個小時.

我希望大家不要政治化這個課題因為ntv7關閉華語新聞是跟首要媒體(Media Prima)的商業考量有關. 這個課題也跟新冠肺炎COVID-19疫情打擊一樣無關. ntv7華語新聞停播並加入八度空間華語新聞時段. 根據首要媒體集團的消息, 行動管制令期間, 八度空間華語新聞的收視率是全國冠軍, 有100萬觀眾收看. 

其實首要媒體Media Prima從2014年至今虧損連連, 因為市場和消費者方向大大轉變和數碼化, 使到傳統平台受到很大的打擊. 現在的消費者全部通過數碼平台閱讀新聞, 收看短片/電影/電視劇, 和收聽音樂. 2016年, Media Prima首要媒體推出購物平台CJ Wow Shop, 購物台其實很賺錢, CJ Wow Shop並可以跟其他的購物平台如Lazada, Shopee和Zalora產生部分競爭, 只不過前者有產品示範, 比如: 在電視台播放CJ Wow Shop來介紹, 示範和宣傳產品.

首要媒體目前有7家電視台, 四家是傳統電視台TV3, NTV7, 八度空間和TV9, 2家購物電視台 (CJ Wow Shop 馬來語, 華語)和1家馬來劇電視台Drama Sangat. 不談CJ Wow Shop和Drama Sangat, 首要媒體主要四家電視台, 收視率和表現最佳的電視台是TV3和八度空間.

TV3是全馬來西亞收視率冠軍的馬來語電視台, 八度空間是馬來西亞收視率冠軍的中文電視台.

13年前, 不提其他競爭電視台, ntv7是首要媒體收視率亞軍的電視台, 八度空間則是第三, 但ntv7如今的收視率不到2%, 反而第九電視TV9的收視率不到4%.

ntv7華語新聞停播的傳聞其實已經很久, 2017年未的時候已經有, 導致熱烈討論. Media Prima電視網的前CEO Johan Ishak當時事實"一個電視台, 一個語言"的政策, 就計畫把所有的ntv7中文節目搬家去八度空間, 然後ntv7在2018年3月5日(也是元宵節後)轉型為比較urban feel的馬來語和英語電視台 (Modern Malaysia channel), 但華語新聞依然獲得保留.

當時NTV7也播放韓國電視劇, 和部分的泰國電視劇.

其實ntv7轉型為現代馬來語電視台也害到TV9, 當時TV9的節目全部搬家去TV3, 然後TV9幾乎播放購物節目CJ Wow Shop. 由於ntv7的馬來電視節目大部分是重播八度空間和TV9早期的電視劇, 無法吸引馬來觀眾, 最終失敗收場. 從2018年12月30日後, ntv7開始恢復中文節目時段, 但80%的電視劇和節目都是重播八度空間的節目. 比如: 少年包青天 (2013), 逆行者 (2019). 除了重播八度空間節目以外, ntv7的時段也重播已經在八度空間播放的台灣閩南語電視劇和中國古裝劇, 然而大部分時段播放CJ Wow Shop.

雖然ntv7在2019年恢復大部分的中文時段, 但也無法挽回華裔觀眾因為超過80%都是重播八度空間已經播放的內容, 除了ntv7在2000年代中後製作的中文電視劇 ("情牽南苑"和"情牽南洋"). TV9方面, 除了CJ Wow Shop, 大部分的節目幾乎重播TV3的清談節目和重播播放過的卡通片 (Upin & Ipin 第一/二季). ntv7在2018年3月5號當時的內容轉型使到自己和TV9產生兩頭不到岸的局面, 也是兩敗俱傷.

ntv7停播華語新聞的課題, 或許證明首要媒體運作ntv7和TV9已經非常吃力因為這兩家電視台沒有賺錢和廣告收入.

上個月, 首要媒體電視網的總裁CEO Johan Ishak已經離開此公司, 因為合約屆滿並不被獲新合約, 他已經加入新媒體Awesome TV.

ntv7推出中文CJ Wow Shop其實是在延長和保住ntv7的運作, 不讓ntv7面臨關閉. 跟TV9一樣, 他們兩者依靠CJ Wow Shop維持生命, 猶如哮喘病人依靠呼吸器維持生命.

在我的看法, 首要媒體旗下的ntv7和TV9在這三年(2018-2020上半年)的表現其實都是很差, 收視率大大低於八度空間和TV3. 運作電視台現在已經不容易, 不止關於消費者收看平台的轉變, 全部幾乎涉及的是金錢.

沒有收視率, 就沒有廣告收入. 沒有廣告收入, 導致電視台虧損.

電視台除了還要付錢給員工之外, 傳輸費(transmission fees)是最貴的費用, 電視台每年都要付MYTV, TM和Astro Measat傳輸費, 每年的傳輸費幾乎至少有幾千萬馬幣 (全國), 然後還涉及operation和maintenance cost.

個人覺得ntv7華語新聞停播雖然可惜, 但因為整家電視台虧損, 停播是永遠避開不了. 我個人建議首要媒體Media Prima最好還是關閉虧損連連的ntv7和TV9, 把心機全部專注在TV3和八度空間就好了.

談到關閉ntv7和TV9的建議, 或許我的意見會充滿爭議, 但全部都是關於商業考量. 如果這兩家電視台關閉, 首要媒體就不需要為這兩家電視台付MYTV, Telekom, Measat傳輸費.

朋友也建議Media Prima脫售ntv7和TV9給新公司. 表面上, 脫售會比直接關閉好很多, 因為首要媒體可以通過脫售交易填補虧損, 但這種交易並不容易, 全部也涉及到錢.

參考當時首要媒體Media Prima購買Copyright Laureate Sdn Bhd的電台Ultra和Pi Mai FM, 此交易大概有2000萬馬幣. 然後Astro從星報集團買下Red FM和Capital FM的交易是4200萬馬幣, 包括電台發射器材.

現在電視台數碼化, ntv7和TV9的發射器跟TV3, GO SHOP和八度空間共用, 全部都是MYTV公司包辦. 如果新公司收購NTV7和TV9, 交易數額已經不包括發射器材.

不再像過去Media Prima收購Metrovision, Channel 9, WFM 88.1, Natseven (NTV7和嘩FM)的交易, 都是包括發射器材.

談回去ntv7和TV9的未來去向, 我認為Media Prima會在三年內會關閉或脫售這兩家電視台, 只不過是時間的問題. 若ntv7和TV9被脫售或關閉, Media Prima剩下八度空間, TV3和CJ Wow Shop.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Can Malaysia (North Kedah and East Perlis) receive Thailand DAB+ radio from Songkhla?

Nearby Malaysia border, there is Thailand DAB+ radio trial transmission in Songkhla province, transmitted from Khao Kho Hong (Hat Yai) on the Channel 9C (VHF 206.352MHz) and 9D (VHF 208.064MHz).

A question here. Can Malaysia bordering areas such as North Kedah (Bukit Kayu Hitam and Changlun) and East Perlis (Chuping and Padang Besar) receive Thailand DAB+ radio stations from Khao Kho Hong, Songkhla?

Let's find out by showing Nautel RF Toolkit map with inserting some technical data from NBTC official website.

==Parameter of Thailand DAB+ in Songkhla==
- Frequency: VHF 206.352MHz (CH 9C) & VHF 208.064MHz (CH 9D)
- ERP: 200W (CH 9C) & 100W (CH 9D)
- Transmission site: Khao Kho Hong, Hat Yai, Songkhla province, Thailand
- GPS Coordination: 7.037696N, 100.518640E
- Antenna height: 80m
- Receiving antenna height: 10m

Khao Kho Hong tower (Hat Yai park side)

For the field strength, the minimum is 42dBuV/m for DAB+, compare to 30dBuV/m for FM transmission.

Here is the exact coverage of DAB+ trial transmission in Songkhla at maximum ERP 200W.

According to the coverage map which generated via Nautel RF Toolkit (presumed only), with the parameter of DAB+ transmission in Songkhla, Thailand at 200W ERP, Malaysia areas (North Kedah and East Perlis) cannot receive Thailand DAB+ stations from Khao Kho Hong, unless operates at 1kW transmitter power with 4.3dBd antenna (result 2.7kW power), so DAB+ from Thailand could be received in East Perlis and North Kedah of Malaysia, but weaker signal (42-59 dBuV/m).

If I increase the transmission power of DAB+ radio station, here are the coverage.

If I compare with FM radio coverage of Khao Kho Hong at 1kW, North Kedah and Perlis can receive it, but I can't receive the transmission on DAB+ platform. This is because FM and DAB+ operate at different frequency band, FM is on VHF Band II, meanwhile DAB+ is on VHF Band III, so DAB+ frequency is higher than FM, the coverage of DAB+ is smaller than FM.

In conclusion, for current situation, North Kedah and East Perlis of Malaysia cannot receive Thailand DAB+ radio from Songkhla (Khao Kho Hong) due to low ERP.

DAB+ radio frequencies list in Thailand.

NBTC Thailand has started DAB+ radio trial transmission officially since 2018 in these locations below:

1. Bangkok
2. Chiang Mai
3. Pattaya
4. Sriracha
5. Khon Kaen
6. Nakhon Ratchasima
7. Nakhon Si Thammarat
8. Phuket
9. Prachuap Khiri Khan
10. Songkhla (Hat Yai)

Here are the coverage map of DAB+ radio transmission in Bangkok, Thailand (source: NBTC broadcast website)

Based on the coverage map and according to NBTC website (, Bangkok DAB+ radio is tested on Channel 6C (VHF 185.36MHz) with maximum power at 10kW, the antenna height of the DAB+ trial transmission in Bangkok is 185m, and its antenna polarization is vertical. Transmission site is located at Royal Thai Army signal department office.

As I'm a former junior broadcast engineer, despite I'm not from telecommunication engineering background, but I personally understand that it is not easy to launch DAB+ radio, even to replace FM radio with DAB+ radio (digital switchover).

DAB+ technology has its pros and cons actually, the advantage of this radio technology is to ease the FM frequency spectrum congestion by persuading some broadcasters to use DAB+ platform, DAB+ increases the frequency spectrum efficiency.

It is successful in Western Europe countries such as United Kingdom, Ireland and Norway, but moderate successful in Central and East Europe. However, DAB+ has its disadvantages too, but DAB+ is a failure in Singapore and Hong Kong, consumers' habits, budget and marketing are the biggest reason of DAB+ is unsuccessful in some countries.

Although DAB+ helps to improve the frequency spectrum efficiency by reducing usage of frequency band through a frequency carry multiple radio stations (MUX), but DAB+ requires more gap filler transmissions site than conventional FM and AM radio. Example: Songkhla province only needs 1 transmitter from Khao Kho Hong to cover whole province on FM, but the province needs more additional gap filler transmitter site to cover whole province when comes to DAB+.

DAB+ carries higher frequency band than FM. In basic theory, the lower the frequency band, the further of the transmitting distance. Meanwhile, the higher the frequency band, the lesser of the transmitting distance.

Moreover, most of the consumer's radio receivers have no DAB+ band. It is expensive to own DAB+ receiver. In Malaysia, to purchase a DAB+ receiver, the minimum price is RM 600 (approximate THB 4400). Due to growing of 5G technology, DAB+ is facing the challenge from alternative competitor because people can easily access listening to their favorite radio station digitally via high speed internet with 5G technology. Before launching of 5G, 4G/LTE is quite perfect for listening to radio stations via online as they run high speed too (but lesser than 5G). For car radio, most of the vehicles have no DAB+ band, but Apple Car Play/Android Auto, consumers use Apple Car Play/Android Auto to listen to radio stations via online by connecting Internet, even with conventional Bluetooth/AUX connectivity, therefore smartphone also "kills" DAB+ technology badly.

For Thailand, I believe DAB+ implements in the locations where has highly congested FM frequency bands such as Bangkok.

Here are the DAB+ frequencies list in Thailand. For Songkhla province where next to Malaysia border, its DAB+ broadcast has two MUX such as Channel 9C (VHF 206.352MHz) and Channel 9D (VHF 208.064MHz), transmitted from Khao Kho Hong (Hat Yai park site), same locations as Voice of Navy 6 FM 94.5MHz and TP4 FM 107.75MHz.

For the transmission coverage, as DAB+ in Songkhla operates only at ERP 0.2kW (9C) and 0.1kW (9D). Unlike FM broadcast which can transmit to Malaysia border, the DAB+ radio from Khao Kho Hong is not receivable in Malaysia region such as Padang Besar, Bukit Kayu Hitam, and Changlun, unless you receive Thailand DAB+ radio station in Malaysia with high sensitivity radio receiver, or capture the signal at higher elevation areas.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Radio Thailand Yala FM 95.0MHz received in Lojing, Kelantan, Malaysia

Lojing is a highland location in Gua Musang district, Kelantan, located between Cameron Highlands and Gua Musang.

Regarding the radio coverage, Lojing is a remote location actually. When you drive from Cameron Highlands to Gua Musang, the radio stations that you listen regardless tuning frequency from Bukit Larut, Gunung Kledang or Gunung Brinchang will go faded 5-6km after Perak-Pahang-Kelantan border.

As I predict, some of Gunung Kledang (Ipoh) and Bukit Larut (Taiping) radio stations are still receivable after Perak-Pahang-Kelantan border when enter Kelantan state.

In Lojing, RTM radio stations can be tuned via Bukit Bakar. Example: Kelantan FM 97.3MHz in Lojing.

While there are a lot of Malaysia radio stations (except RTM) are not receivable in Lojing, Kelantan, however surprisingly Thailand FM radio stations are receivable there.

Here are some videos of receiving Radio Thailand Yala FM 95.0MHz in Lojing, Kelantan, Malaysia.

Based on the videos, the receiving signal condition of Radio Thailand Yala FM 95.0MHz was quite clear in Lojing Highlands, Kelantan, Malaysia. This radio station broadcasts in Pattani Malay language where the language is widely spoken in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat provinces of Thailand by Thailand Malay people.

Traxx FM frequency in Gua Musang is FM 94.9MHz from Bukit Chupak, I believe it is not receivable in Lojing. By listening to the signal audio, FM 94.9MHz is locked by Radio Thailand Yala FM 95.0MHz completely there. So, I believe FM 92.0MHz is also Radio Thailand Yala there, rather than RTM Kelantan FM 92.0MHz.

==Reception details of Radio Thailand Yala in Lojing==
- Frequency: FM 95.0MHz
- Power: 1kW
- ERP: 4kW
- Transmission site: Khao Pok Yo, Bannang Sata district, Yala province, Thailand
- Receiving site: Lojing, Kelantan state, Malaysia
- Distance: 180km

Apart from Radio Thailand Yala FM 95.0MHz, Lojing could receive Radio Thailand Yala FM 92.0MHz/94.25MHz, MCOT Yala FM 95.0MHz and Parliament Radio FM 89.0MHz as they're also transmitted from Khao Pok Yo. In addition, I may believe that Radio Thailand Betong FM 93.0MHz, Kor Sor Wor 6 FM 92.5MHz Sungai Padi, Radio Thailand Sungai Golok FM 106.5MHz, Radio Thailand Narathiwat FM 98.25MHz, MCOT Narathiwat FM 96.0MHz, Sathani Witthayu Krachaisiang Tamruat Phuthon Phak 9 {สถานีวิทยุกระจายเสียงตำรวจภูธรภาค 9}  FM 88.25MHz, Sathani Witthayu 912 FM 99.1MHz and Voice of Navy FM 94.75MHz can be received in Lojing, but I doubt about their receiving signal condition there.

RTM has radio stations in Gua Musang from Bukit Chupak such as:

1. Radio Klasik FM 89.7MHz
2. Nasional FM 91.1MHz
3. Kelantan FM 92.0MHz
4. Traxx FM 94.9MHz
5. Ai FM 94.1MHz
6. Minnal FM 93.2MHz

These radio stations are only covering Gua Musang town, and they're not for Lojing too. Bukit Chupak is a small hill in Gua Musang town.

In terms of frequency analysis condition, Kelantan FM 92.0MHz, Ai FM 94.1MHz and Traxx FM 94.9MHz from Bukit Chupak will be interfered by Radio Thailand Yala FM 92.0MHz, FM 94.25MHz and FM 95.0MHz respectively from Khao Pok Yo in Lojing, Kelantan. Meanwhile Radio Klasik FM 89.1MHz and Nasional FM 93.1MHz from Gunung Brinchang are not receivable in Lojing at all, and they're interfered by Parliament Radio FM 89.0MHz Yala and Radio Thailand Betong FM 93.0MHz there. Besides that, some of Ipoh based radio stations from Gunung Kledang such as Radio Klasik FM 88.3MHz, Ai FM 92.1MHz, Mix FM 94.3MHz, and Zayan FM 106.4MHz may be interfered by Thailand radio stations such as Narathiwat FM 88.25MHz, Radio Thailand Yala FM 92.0MHz/94.25MHz and Radio Thailand Sungai Golok FM 106.5MHz in Lojing.

For Malaysia radio stations, here are the frequencies that you can try when you're in Lojing, Kelantan.

- Radio Klasik FM 95.5MHz
- Nasional FM 96.5MHz
- Kelantan FM 92.0MHz
- Traxx FM 98.5MHz
- Ai FM 99.3MHz
- Minnal FM 100.9MHz
(Transmitted from Bukit Bakar)

Other RTM stations (not confirmed):

1. Perak FM 95.6MHz Gunung Kledang/104.1MHz Bukit Larut


1. ASTRO (not confirmed)
- Era FM 103.3MHz (Bukit Panau) or 95.2MHz (Bukit Larut) or 103.7MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Sinar FM 93.8MHz (Bukit Panau) or 96.4MHz (Bukit Larut) or 96.9MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Zayan FM 106.4MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- MY FM 102.3MHz (Bukit Panau) or 100.2MHz (Bukit Larut) or 100.6MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Hitz FM 92.8MHz (Bukit Panau) or FM 93.6MHz (Bukit Larut) or 92.7MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Mix FM 94.6MHz (Bukit Panau) or 91.3MHz (Bukit Larut) or 94.3MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Lite FM 104.3MHz (Bukit Panau) or 89.3MHz (Bukit Larut) or 101.5MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Melody FM 99.8MHz (Bukit Panau) or 104.9MHz (Bukit Larut) or 98.5MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Raaga FM 102.1MHz (Bukit Larut) or 97.9MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Gegar FM 88.1MHz (Bukit Panau)

2. Media Prima (not confirmed)
- Hot FM 105.1MHz (Peringat) or 90.5MHz (Bukit Larut) or 104.5MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Fly FM 107.4MHz (Peringat) or 87.9MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- one FM 87.6MHz (Gunung Kledang)
- Kool FM 88.6MHz (Peringat)

3. Others (not confirmed)
- IKIM FM 102.7MHz (Gunung Kledang) or 89.8MHz (Bukit Panau)
- 988 FM 99.8MHz (Gunung Kledang) or 101.0MHz (Bukit Larut)
- Suria FM 106.1MHz (Telipot) or 96.0MHz (Gunung Kledang) or 91.7MHz (Bukit Larut)

Moreover, here are some Thailand FM radio stations frequencies which are likely available in Lojing, Kelantan, Malaysia.

- Parliament Radio Station FM 89.0MHz Yala
- Radio Thailand Yala FM 92.0MHz/94.25MHz/95.0MHz
- MCOT Yala FM 102.5MHz

==Not confirmed==
- Radio Thailand Betong FM 93.0MHz
- Radio Thailand Sungai Golok FM 106.5MHz
- Radio Thailand Narathiwat FM 98.25MHz
- MCOT Narathiwat FM 96.0MHz
- Kor Sor Wor 6 FM 92.5MHz Sungai Padi
- Sathani Witthayu Krachaisiang Tamruat Phuthon Phak 9 {สถานีวิทยุกระจายเสียงตำรวจภูธรภาค 9}  FM 88.25MHz Narathiwat
- Sathani Witthayu 912 FM 99.1MHz Narathiwat
- Voice of Navy FM 94.75MHz Narathiwat

Friday 22 May 2020

Kit Kaan Witthayu Krajaisiang Yala FM 100.0MHz received in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia

In Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia, there are a lot of Thailand radio stations are transmitted from Yala province, the receiving signals are quite clear there. Usually receivable Yala radio stations in Kota Bharu are:

1. Satthanii Witthayu Ratthasapha (Parliament Radio) FM 89.0MHz
2. Radio Thailand Yala FM 92.0MHz, FM 94.25MHz and FM 95.0MHz
3. MCOT Yala FM 102.5MHz
4. Radio Thailand Betong FM 93.0MHz

Except Radio Thailand Betong FM 93.0MHz, the Yala radio stations listed above are transmitted from Khao Pok Yo, Bannang Sata district, Yala, Thailand. For your information, Khao Pok Yo is Thailand version of Gunung Ulu Kali because the hill is located at the border between Yala and Narathiwat, the height of the hill is around 750m.

In this video, FM 100.0MHz is Kit Kaan Witthayu Krajaisiang from Yala province, but different transmissions site. The reception of FM 100.0MHz in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia is not clear as Radio Thailand Yala FM 95.0MHz because Kit Kaan Witthayu Krajaisiang Yala FM 100.0MHz is transmitted from Khao Buyo, Bannang Sareng in Mueang Yala District, Yala, Thailand.

==Reception details of Kit Kaan Witthayu Krajaisiang Yala FM 100MHz in Kelantan, Malaysia==
- Frequency: FM 100.0MHz
- Power: 1kW
- Transmission site: Khao Buyo, Bannang Sareng, Mueang Yala district, Yala Province, Thailand
- Receiving site: Wakaf Bharu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
- Distance: 109km

The height of Khao Buyo is lower than Khao Pok Yo.

This radio station was also used to air Allahyarham Tok Guru Nik Aziz (former Kelantan Menteri Besar) ceramah (speech) many years ago.

99.8MHz: Melody FM Bukit Panau
100.0MHz: Kit Kaan Witthayu Krajaisiang (Khao Buyo, Yala)

As FM 100.0MHz Yala has 200kHz frequency separation from Melody FM 99.8MHz Bukit Panau, so I assume that Kit Kaan Witthayu Krajaisiang Yala FM 100.0MHz will have adjacent channel interference from Melody FM 99.8MHz in Kota Bharu and North Kelantan, Malaysia, unless transmitted from Khao Pok Yo.

However, if FM 100.0MHz is transmitted from Khao Pok Yo, it will cause co-channel interference to RTM Ai FM 100.0MHz coverage in Gerik, Perak. For the frequency separation, Thailand NBTC and Malaysia MCMC had already agreed the minimum frequency separation between Gerik and Yala (based on Khao Pok Yo) must be 200kHz.

The frequency separation between Malaysia bordering sites and Yala does not include Khao Buyo and Tambon Sateng as they are lower height transmission sites.

MCOT Pattani FM 91.0MHz is receivable along Gerik-Jeli highway, but co-channel interference from Mix FM 91.0MHz Gunung Jerai

In this video, YouTuber Senn Lens received FM 91.0MHz along Gerik-Jeli highway when he was going from Kota Bharu to Penang.

FM 91.0MHz actually was MCOT Radio Pattani from Pattani province, Thailand there, but it had co-channel interference from Mix FM 91.0MHz Gunung Jerai when came to Perak-Kelantan border after R&R Titiwangsa.

==Reception details of MCOT Pattani in Gerik-Jeli highway==
- Frequency: FM 91.0MHz
- Power: 1kW
- Transmission site: Rusamilae, Mueang Pattani district, Pattani province, Thailand
- Receiving site: Gerik-Jeli highway (nearby R&R Titiwangsa), Malaysia
- Distance: 149km

==Reception details of Mix FM in Gerik-Jeli highway==
- Frequency: FM 91.0MHz
- Power: 2kW
- Transmission site: Gunung Jerai, Kedah, Malaysia
- Receiving site: Gerik-Jeli highway (nearby R&R Titiwangsa), Malaysia
- Distance: 125km

It is interesting to detect co-channel interference between MCOT Pattani and Mix (Gunung Jerai) on FM 91.0MHz in this location. Gerik-Jeli highway is a hill and curvy road, actually the locations between Gerik and Jeli are difficult to receive Malaysia FM radio stations due to terrain, however Thailand radio stations from Betong, Yala, and Sungai Golok can be received easily, somewhat Pattani too.

Co-channel interference between MCOT Pattani and Mix on FM 91.0MHz between Gerik and Jeli is considered ok, and no listeners impact because the locations are not under their broadcast coverage.

The video of receiving FM 91.0MHz with interference is quite interesting and impressive actually. If a Mix FM listeners tune the station there, but interference, I may suggest the listeners to try tuning some alternative frequencies below in order to continue listening to Mix while driving from Jeli to Gerik along the highway.

1. FM 91.3MHz Bukit Larut
2. FM 94.3MHz Gunung Kledang

However, the alternative frequencies of Mix FM listed above does not guarantee whether they're receivable along Gerik-Jeli highway or not due to terrains. I doubt about the receiving signal condition of FM 91.3MHz and FM 94.3MHz there, meanwhile I may predict that Mix FM 94.3MHz from Gunung Kledang may be clashed by Radio Thailand Yala FM 94.25MHz from Khao Pokyo, Bannang Sata district, Yala, Thailand. Therefore, the highest possible frequency to tune to Mix in Gerik-Jeli highway is FM 91.3MHz from Bukit Larut.

In terms of geographical condition, Bukit Larut has higher elevation than Gunung Kledang. I remembered that I was told by MCMC that Bukit Larut transmission somewhat could overspill to Bukit Bakar, Kelantan coverage when come to co-channel frequency when I attempted to propose FM 105.7MHz for IKIM FM Bukit Larut transmission to cover Taiping.

TP4 FM 93.5MHz Pattani, Thailand received in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia

After PSU Radio FM 107.25MHz as only Pattani radio station which is received in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, the YouTuber Senn Lens had received another Pattani FM radio station, known as TP4 FM 93.5MHz.

TP4 FM is known as Satthanii Witthayu Krajaising Kong Thap Phak Thi Sii (4th Army Area), also called as Thor Por Sii for Thai radio call sign. This radio station is available in Pattani province on FM 93.5MHz.

TP4 FM 93.5MHz Pattani station is transmitted from Yarang district, border with Yala province. This results Pattani and North Yala (Amphoe Mueang Yala, Raman, Yaha and Krong Pinang) can receive TP4 FM 93.5MHz from Yarang, Pattani. As TP4 FM has no Yala provincial radio station like Songkhla, Trang, Surat Thani, Pattani, Chumphon, Phatthalung and Nakhon Si Thammarat, but it is available in part of Yala province too.

Back to its reception in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia, the signal is weak actually on FM 93.5MHz as it is transmitted from Yarang, which is low elevation height. Here is the reception details of TP4 FM 93.5MHz in Kota Bharu, Malaysia.

==TP4 FM 93.5MHz reception details==
- Frequency: FM 93.5MHz
- Power: 1kW
- Transmitter site: Yarang, Pattani, Thailand
- Receiver site: Wakaf Bharu, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
- Distance: 111km
- Receiving date: 7th May 2020 1900H (UTC+8)

In Kota Bharu, TP4 FM 93.5MHz Pattani is difficult to be received, and signal is not clear and consists with static.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Bangkok Meteorological Radio 6765kHz and 8744kHz received in Malaysia (Balakong, Selangor state)

On today evening, I received two frequencies of Bangkok Meteorological Radio in Balakong, Selangor, Malaysia on shortwave band, they're 8744kHz and 6765kHz.

Here are the videos:

Accordring to these two videos, both have strong signal, but unstable reception. As I'm using TECSUN PL-380 which has no SSB (single side band), so it is not clear to hear the audio of weather annoucement on SW 8744kHz and 6765kHz.

==Information of Bangkok Meteorological Radio received in Malaysia==
* Frequency: SW 8744kHz and 6765kHz
* Transmission site: Thai Meteorological Department, Bangkok, Thailand
* Receiver site: Balakong, Selangor, Malaysia (20km from Kuala Lumpur)
* Distance: 1192km
* Receiving date/time: 21.05.2020 2010H (UTC+8)
* Radio receiver: TECSUN PL-380 with built-in whip antenna

[Thailand RF analysis] FM 102.75MHz Songkhla (PART 2): Khao Kho Hong at 50W power

Hat Yai is considered as Southern Thailand version of Bangkok in terms of FM radio stations frequency spectrum traffic condition because the frequency spectrum is quite peak in Hat Yai due to growing of community and commercial radio stations, alongside public broadcasters such as Radio Thailand, MCOT, Parliament Channel, Royal Thai Army, Air Force, Navy and Prince of Songkhla University.

However, I already noticed that Sunshine Radio Hat Yai was ceased since 2016, alongside recent defunct Sunshine Radio station in Phuket. In addition, according to, FM 102.75MHz was previously carried by Workers' Radio in Hat Yai, but it is INACTIVE.

In facts, FM 102.75MHz is now a vacant frequency in Hat Yai, Thailand, meanwhile Your FM 102.5MHz also broadcasts in Hat Yai as low power narrowcast community radio station. By referring Bangkok FM radio frequency spectrum condition, the main transmitter site radio stations separated at 500kHz, meanwhile the frequency separation between main radio stations and narrowcast radio stations is 250kHz.

Example: FM 92.5MHz, FM 92.75MHz and FM 93.0MHz

FM 92.5MHz is Radio Thailand national network, then FM 93.0MHz is Cool Fahrenheit 93 (under Voice of Navy), so separation is 500kHz. Between FM 92.5MHz and FM 93.0MHz, the frequency FM 92.75MHz is used as narrowcast broadcast stations such as: Sathani Witthayu Khon Charoen Nakhon {สถานีวิทยุคนเจริญนคร}, Sathani Witthayu Medee (Global Medee) {สถานีวิทยุมีดี (โกลบอลมีดี)}, and Sathani Witthayu Krachaisiang Phuea Phraputthasasana Haeng Chat lae Sangkhom {สถานีวิทยุกระจายเสียงพระพุทธศาสนาแห่งชาติและสังคม}, these 3 radio stations on FM 92.75MHz operate at very low power transmission, so they're considered as narrowcast.

For Hat Yai site, FM 102.75MHz is not a problem to be used in Khao Kho Hong as it has 500kHz frequency separation from Radio Thailand Songkhla FM 102.25MHz which is transmitted in same location, meanwhile Your FM 102.5MHz is transmitted from Tambon Hat Yai as low power community radio station to cover the sub-district only.

While FM 102.75MHz is suitable to be used in Khao Kho Hong, but to prevent interference to Your FM 102.5MHz, it is recommended to use low power transmitter there as much 50W. In addition, interference to border region (Malaysia) must be considered. Hence, I will issue RF analysis and tentative parameter of FM 102.75MHz for Khao Kho Hong transmission to cover Hat Yai.

In Khao Kho Hong, there are about 3 tower locations.

1. MCOT Songkhla FM 96.5MHz tower (low peak)
2. Air Force & Radio Thailand Songkhla transmission tower (upper peak)
3. Hat Yai Municipal Park side top peak

==Tentative parameter of FM 102.75MHz Hat Yai==
* Frequency: FM 102.75MHz
* Power: 50W
* Example antenna model: SIRA FM-04 3 bay array dipole antenna
* Antenna type: Dipole antenna
* Antenna polarization: Vertical
* Antenna gain: 6.0dBd
* ERP: 200W

==RF analysis==

102.5MHz: Your FM Hat Yai
102.75MHz: Khao Kho Hong, Hat Yai (50W)
<250kHz, OK>

102.7MHz: Nasional FM UUM Sintok
102.75MHz: Khao Kho Hong, Hat Yai (50W)
<50kHz, OK>

102.75MHz: Khao Kho Hong, Hat Yai (50W)
102.9MHz: Perlis FM Padang Pauh
<150kHz, OK>

102.25MHz: Radio Thailand Songkhla
102.75MHz: Khao Kho Hong, Hat Yai (50W)
<250kHz, OK>

102.75MHz: Khao Kho Hong, Hat Yai (50W)
103.25MHz: Satthani WItthayu Ratthasapha (Parliament Radio)
<500kHz, OK>

102.75MHz: Khao Kho Hong, Hat Yai (50W)
103.0MHz: Khluen Muanchon Khon Thepha {คลื่นมวลชนคนเทพา}
<250kHz, OK>

Next, I will show the coverage report of Khao Kho Hong at 50W power with 3 bay array dipole antenna in 3 different tower locations.

1. Khao Kho Hong (lower peak)

2. Khao Kho Hong (Upper Peak)

3. Khao Kho Hong (Hat Yai Municipal Park side)

According to the coverage, Khao Kho Hong upper peak and Hat Yai Municipal Park top peak have same coverage, but Khao Kho Hong lower peak (MCOT tower) has lesser coverage population. For border area transmission, lower peak Khao Kho Hong has coverage in Padang Besar, Perlis which is closer to Perlis FM 102.9MHz.

Besides that, the transmission of FM 102.75MHz from Khao Kho Hong will not interfere RTM Nasional FM 102.7MHz in Sintok and Bukit Kayu Hitam because it transmits at low power as much 50W. In Bukit Kayu Hitam, Nasional FM is still receivable and clear on 100.5MHz from Gunung Jerai.

Although FM 102.75MHz Khao Kho Hong has just only 50kHz frequency separation from RTM Nasional FM 102.7MHz UUM Sintok, but there is no interference impact within broadcast area, however Nasional FM 102.7MHz and Khao Kho Hong FM 102.75MHz have minor interference in Sadao, Thailand.

For my recommendation, as FM 102.75MHz covers Hat Yai only, so I suggest that FM 102.75MHz to be used at Hat Yai municipal park of Khao Kho Hong hill, rather than Upper peak (Radio Thailand tower) and lower peak (MCOT tower).

==Complete tentative RF proposal of FM 102.75MHz for Hat Yai transmission (for non-professional use only)==
- Frequency: FM 102.75MHz
- Power: 50W
- Transmission site: Khao Kho Hong (Hat Yai municipal park side), Hat Yai city, Songkhla province, Thailand
- Sample transmitter model: Elettronika MIZAR2 50
- Sample antenna model: SIRA FM-04 3 bay array dipole antenna
- Antenna polarization: Vertical
- Number of bay: 3
- Sample antenna height: 40m
- Height above sea level: 338m
- Antenna gain: 6.0dBd
- ERP: 200W
- Target location: Hat Yai, Thailand