Tuesday 5 September 2023

RTM can swap several radio stations in Bukit Bauk (Dungun) to set self-interference radio network with Bukit Bintang (Besut) when both frequency separation is at 100kHz.

RTM operates 6 radio stations in Bukit Bauk for Dungun and also 7 radio stations in Bukit Bintang for Besut and Setiu.

==RTM Bukit Bauk==

* 95.9MHz: Radio Klasik

* 96.9MHz: Nasional FM

* 97.7MHz: Terengganu FM

* 98.9MHz: Traxx FM

* 99.7MHz: Ai FM

* 100.7MHz: Minnal FM

==RTM Bukit Bintang==

* 94.3MHz: Radio Klasik

* 98.8MHz: Nasional FM

* 96.2MHz: Terengganu FM

* 107.1MHz: Kelantan FM

* 97.0MHz: Traxx FM

* 97.8MHz: Ai FM

* 95.3MHz: Minnal FM

3 of radio stations in Bukit Bauk and Bukit Bintang are having 100kHz frequency separation, so the interference between Bukit Bauk and Bukit Bintang radio stations occur in Kuala Nerus, Kuala Terengganu, Marang, Ajil, Bukit Payong and Sungai Tong, however listeners in these locations can tune to Bukit Besar frequencies which are the clearest for Central Terengganu.

==Current condition==

96.9MHz: Nasional FM Bukit Bauk

97.0MHz: Traxx FM Bukit Bintang


97.7MHz: Terengganu FM Bukit Bauk

97.8MHz: Ai FM Bukit Bintang


98.8MHz: Nasional FM Bukit Bintang

98.9MHz: Traxx FM Bukit Bauk


To make self interference radio network between Bukit Bauk and Bukit Bintang, RTM can swap the frequency by making same stations at 100kHz frequency separation.

==After swap the stations==

96.9MHz: Traxx FM Bukit Bauk

97.0MHz: Traxx FM Bukit Bintang


97.7MHz: Ai FM Bukit Bauk

97.8MHz: Ai FM Bukit Bintang


98.8MHz: Nasional FM Bukit Bintang

98.9MHz: Nasional FM Bukit Bauk


Listeners in Central Terengganu who tune these frequencies will only hear interference of same radio stations after swapping.

==RTM Bukit Bauk frequencies after swap==

* 95.9MHz: Radio Klasik

* 96.9MHz: Traxx FM

* 97.7MHz: Ai FM

* 98.9MHz: Nasional FM

* 99.7MHz: Terengganu FM

* 100.7MHz: Minnal FM

So, Radio Klasik and Minnal FM remain unchanged in Bukit Bauk.

For current situation, it is up to RTM whether wants to do the radio channel swap or not because it can be unnecessary due to Central Terengganu is covered by Bukit Besar transmitter where is the local for the region, meanwhile Bukit Bauk and Bukit Bintang are distant transmitters for Central Terengganu (out of broadcast coverage).

==RTM Bukit Besar==

* 92.5MHz: Radio Klasik

* 91.7MHz: Nasional FM

* 88.7MHz: Terengganu FM

* 89.7MHz: Traxx FM

* 90.5MHz: Ai FM

* 87.9MHz: Minnal FM

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