Tuesday 26 March 2024

FM radio DX: Gunung Jerai radio stations (Eight FM 87.8MHz, RTM Kedah FM 97.5MHz, Zayan FM 98.1MHz and Era FM 103.6MHz) tuned in Bachok, Kelantan

Here are 4 videos of receiving Gunung Jerai transmitted radio stations tuned in Bachok, Kelantan which my friend sent me yesterday.

1. Eight FM 87.8MHz (2kW)

2. RTM Kedah FM 97.5MHz (5kW)

3. Zayan FM 98.1MHz (5kW)

Adjacent channel interference with Radio Thailand Narathiwat FM 98.25MHz is detected.

4. Era FM 103.6MHz (2kW)

Tuning location was at Kampung Pauh Sembilan in Bachok, Kelantan, receiving distance is 216km.

Sunday 24 March 2024

Compilation videos of RTM Sarawak FM (Malaysia) radio reception in Latin America countries on SW 9835kHz

Here are the compilation videos of tuning RTM Sarawak FM on SW 9835kHz from Malaysia in Latin America by countries which filmed by Latin America DXers.

1. Mexico

2. Brazil

3. Uruguay

4. Colombia (video courtesy to Arturo Lopez)

Note: Sarawak FM SW 9835kHz transmission is already terminated since 2022.

RTM Wai FM on SW 11665kHz from Malaysia can be tuned in Latin America region.

In Malaysia, there is only 1 shortwave radio station, transmits from RTM Kajang, it is RTM Wai FM, the frequency is SW 11665kHz, operates at 100kW transmitter power.

Wai FM has two radio stations in Kuching, Sarawak, the first channel is 24 hours Iban language radio station, and the second channel is Bidayuh and Kayan languages radio station, meanwhile SW 11665kHz is a hybrid radio station which broadcasts in Iban, Lun Bawang, Kayan and Kenyah languages by relaying different channels of RTM Sarawak radio stations such as Wai FM Iban, Radio Tau Limbang FM, Radio Kayan Miri FM and Talidio Kenyah Miri FM.

Wai FM SW 11665kHz mainly targets Sarawak state, especially for those rural areas where have no coverage of FM radio transmitters, however RTM Wai FM is available in part of Latin America countries on the same frequency. I have watched several videos of receiving Wai FM on SW 11665kHz by Latin America DXers from Mexico, Brazil and Uruguay.

The distance is at least 10000km from RTM Kajang.

Here are the videos of receiving Wai FM SW 11665kHz in Latin America by countries.


1. Brazil


2. Uruguay


3. Mexico

Other than Uruguay, Brazil and Mexico, I believe RTM Wai FM SW 11665kHz from Malaysia can be heard in Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Nicaragua, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Guatemala and Paraguay, but signal reception may vary subject to the location conditions.


RTM Sarawak FM was used to have shortwave broadcast on SW 9835kHz, but it was terminated since 2022.

Tuesday 19 March 2024

GoXUAN can be tuned in Kelantan via frequency on FM 88.9MHz?

Malaysia's Chinese Gen Z radio station, GoXUAN broadcasts since 2nd October 2017. It is only available with 2 frequencies, such as FM 88.9MHz in Klang Valley and FM 107.6MHz in Penang.

GoXUAN is also available outside Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Penang such as:

- North Perak and part of Kedah on FM 107.6MHz

- South Perak, West Pahang and part of Negeri Sembilan/Melaka on FM 88.9MHz


However, GoXUAN is still receivable on FM 88.9MHz in small part of Kelantan. From Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu, GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz can be listened until Gua Musang. Its signal is totally zero after RnR Gua Musang Selatan when heading to Gua Musang town.

When I was driving from Kuala Lipis to Gua Musang on Central Spine Road (CSR), I could hear GoXUAN on FM 88.9MHz after entering Kelantan border for few kilometers. After Kampung Mentara Lama, the signal became very weak.

Kampung Mentara Lama is the clearest Kelantan area to receive GoXUAN on FM 88.9MHz from Gunung Ulu Kali.

Many years ago, RTM Kelantan FM used the frequency FM 88.9MHz in Taman Wangi for South Gua Musang, but the transmission of Kelantan FM 88.9MHz Taman Wangi transmitter was already terminated for a long time. If Kelantan FM 88.9MHz Taman Wangi transmitter is still in operation, I believe GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz has co-channel interference with Kelantan FM in Merapoh and Mentara Baru because both are using same frequency.


I filmed GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz radio signal videos in Kelantan-Pahang border (Kampung Mentara Lama) and RnR Gua Musang Selatan (Shell petrol station). At RnR Gua Musang Selatan near Taman Wangi, GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz signal is extremely weak.

Gua Musang becomes my very first Kelantan location to receive GoXUAN signal on FM 88.9MHz in my radio DXing history.

List of furthest locations where I received RTM Kelantan FM 97.3MHz signal from Bukit Bakar (TOP 5)


1. Genting Highlands (259km)

2. Fraser's Hill (230km)


3. Raub (216km)

4. Jerantut town (197km)

5. Benta (190km)

Kelantan FM 97.3MHz dari Bukit Bakar dapat didengari di Raub, Pahang?

Dari tahun 2021 ke 2023, saya telah membuat rakaman video isyarat radio RTM Kelantan FM 97.3MHz dari Bukit Bakar yang diterima di banyak kawasan negeri Pahang seperti Benta, Merapoh, Cameron Highlands, Bukit Fraser, Jerantut, Kuala Tembeling, Kuala Tahan dan Genting Highlands.

Pada 17hb Mac 2024, saya mencecah rekod baru dengan menerima isyarat radio Kelantan FM di Raub, Pahang. 

Di Raub, ia sangat sukar menerima siaran Kelantan FM 97.3MHz kerana frekuensi itu mempunyai gangguan oleh Ai FM 97.1MHz dari Bukit Fraser dan Traxx FM 97.4MHz dari Gunung Ledang. Dari Kota Bharu ke Bentong, siaran Kelantan FM 97.3MHz cuma boleh diterima sehingga Chegar Perah, manakala Benta ialah kawasan yang paling jauh untuk menerima isyarat Kelantan FM 97.3MHz, tetapi isyarat lemah dan mempunyai gangguan frekuensi oleh Ai FM 97.1MHz yang dipancar dari Bukit Fraser.

Video isyarat penerimaan siaran Kelantan FM 97.3MHz dari Bukit Bakar dirakam di Lebuhraya Lingkaran Tengah Utama (CSR) yang berhampiri dengan persimpangan Raub Utara. 

Lebuhraya CSR dari Bentong ke Raub dibuka secara rasmi pada 8hb Mac 2024.

Isyarat Kelantan FM 97.3MHz dari Bukit Bakar diganggu oleh Ai FM 97.1MHz (Bukit Fraser) dan Traxx FM 97.4MHz (Gunung Ledang) semasa perjalanan di Lebuhraya CSR sebelum saya berada di persimpangan Raub Utara.

Jarak ialah 216km dari Bukit Bakar ke Raub untuk menerima siaran Kelantan FM 97.3MHz.

==Penerimaan siaran radio Kelantan FM 97.3MHz di Raub==

* Frekuensi: FM 97.3MHz

* Kuasa pemancar: 2kW

* Tempat pemancar: Bukit Bakar, Kelantan

* Tempat penerima: Raub, Pahang (Lebuhraya CSR)

* Jarak: 216km

Gua Musang is my #1 location to receive Bukit Larut radio stations signal in Kelantan

On 16th November 2021 and 17th March 2024, I captured two Bukit Larut radio signal in Gua Musang town, Kelantan.

In Gua Musang town, old KTM railway station (now as Warung Pok Joh) is the best place to do FM DXing. Back to 16th November 2021, I was used to receive Minnal FM 107.9MHz from Bukit Larut, and 988 FM 96.1MHz from Gunung Jerai.

For recent radio DXing, I revisited Gua Musang town again on 17th March 2024, I captured RTM Nasional FM 107.1MHz signal from Bukit Larut at the same place (Warung Pok Joh @ old KTM Gua Musang railway station).

The signal of Nasional FM 107.1MHz from Bukit Larut was very mild when tuned at old KTM Gua Musang railway station (Warung Pok Joh). 

Kelantan FM operates on 107.2MHz in Dabong, but no interference was detected currently when I tuned Nasional FM 107.1MHz because Gua Musang cannot receive Kelantan FM 107.2MHz signal from Dabong.

Nasional FM 107.1MHz and Minnal FM 107.9MHz are the only Bukit Larut transmitted radio stations detected in Gua Musang with very mild radio signal, both operate at 0.25kW transmitter power. The distance between Bukit Larut and old KTM Gua Musang (Warung Pok Joh) is 129km.

==RTM Nasional FM 107.1MHz== (17/03/2024)

==RTM Minnal FM 107.9MHz== (16/11/2021)

Sunday 17 March 2024

瓜拉立卑是我在彭亨州的首個地區探測GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz



如果大家有留意我的YouTube頻道, 這兩年來我只發布在霹靂州探測GoXUAN電台訊號的短片, 但今年則不同, 我來到彭亨州探測並錄製GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz的訊號短片.


大家知道嗎? 在彭亨州, 文冬 (Bentong), 淡馬魯 (Temerloh), 百樂 (Bera), 馬蘭 (Maran)和勞勿部分地區 (Raub)可以通過FM 88.9MHz收到GoXUAN. 立卑也可以收到喔!

所以今天2024年3月17日, 我在彭亨州瓜拉立卑 (Kuala Lipis)探測GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz的訊號. 在瓜拉立卑, GoXUAN的收線狀況還算不錯的. 

除了瓜拉立卑, GoXUAN 88.9也能在巴登東姑 (Padang Tengku)和靠近吉蘭丹邊界的美拉波 (Merapoh)收聽得到.

如果大家從瓜拉立卑去吉蘭丹, GoXUAN 88.9清晰訊號最多在美拉波和吉蘭丹話望生的Kampung Mentara Lama聽到而已.


瓜拉立卑是我第一個在彭亨州, 也是首個東海岸地區探測GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz.

GoXUAN不只是在雪隆區, 檳城和霹靂部分地區聽到, 連東海岸的彭亨西部和吉蘭丹一小部分地區都還可以通過電台頻率FM 88.9MHz來收聽.

GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz可以在吉蘭丹收到嗎?

從2017年10月2日至今, 馬來西亞中文電台GoXUAN只在雪隆區和檳城有收聽頻道, 頻率是88.9 (雪隆區)和107.6 (檳城).

在2022年和2023年, 霹靂是我接收和探測GoXUAN電台訊號(88.9/107.6)的專注州屬. 從2022年到2023年, 我在數個霹靂州地區錄製GoXUAN 88.9和107.6的收線訊號短片並發布在YouTube平台.

我就在2024年開始顛覆過去的傳統, 這次我到東海岸州屬探測GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz的訊號. 其實彭亨州很多地區能通過FM 88.9MHz來收聽GoXUAN, 但吉蘭丹有少數地區還可以收聽得到GoXUAN.

從雪隆區通過彭亨州的路去吉蘭丹, GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz最多只能在靠近彭亨邊界的吉蘭丹地區收聽得到, 然而進入了吉蘭丹州後的5至8個公里後, 訊號就變弱又收不到. 我在駕車往吉蘭丹話望生市中心的途中都在監聽GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz的收線狀況.


談到GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz在吉蘭丹州的覆蓋範圍, 只有話望生 (Gua Musang)一小部分地區有很弱的訊號. 今天我就在吉蘭丹話望生南部的Shell (貝殼)油站附近通過FM 88.9MHz接收到GoXUAN, 訊號很弱.

若提及吉蘭丹州接收GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz最清楚的地區, 話望生最南端的Kampung Mentara Lama是最清楚因為它與彭亨邊界的距離並不遠.

在很久以前, 國營吉蘭丹州分台RTM Kelantan FM在話望生的Taman Wangi發射站使用FM 88.9MHz, 但Kelantan FM已經在很多年前關閉Taman Wangi頻率FM 88.9MHz的傳輸. 若Kelantan FM Taman Wangi頻率FM 88.9MHz到現在還有廣播, 我相信GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz在靠近吉蘭丹邊界的彭亨州美拉波(Merapoh)的線路肯定會受到Kelantan FM的同頻率干擾因為兩者都是用FM 88.9MHz.

話望生 (Gua Musang)是我在吉蘭丹州的第一個地區接收GoXUAN FM 88.9MHz的訊號.

Friday 8 March 2024

Under Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), Sabah and Sarawak should be given autonomy to regulate FM radio frequencies spectrum.

For the time being, Malaysia Communications & Multimedia Commission (MCMC) does not allow new frequency application for FM radio broadcast, this applies the entire Malaysia, from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak.

Regarding the frequencies traffic condition in Sabah and Sarawak for FM radio broadcast, it is not peak as Peninsular Malaysia.

In my opinion, as radio broadcast in Sabah and Sarawak are mostly relayed from Peninsular Malaysia. Under Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), Sabah and Sarawak should be given the autonomy to manage and regulate the frequencies spectrum for FM radio, even TV.

This means MCMC Sabah and Sarawak branches are given autonomy to regulate and handle the states' FM radio spectrum, meanwhile MCMC headquarter from Cyberjaya (Peninsular Malaysia) becomes auxiliary. 

Why? This is because radio is still an important medium, and it is essential in Sabah and Sarawak as people are listening to radio via frequencies transmission over internet platform. In addition, by giving autonomy to MCMC Sabah and MCMC Sarawak for frequency regulation and planning, this can encourage new radio players in Borneo states.


Autonomy given to Sabah and Sarawak for frequency regulation will benefit to Sabah and Sarawak radio broadcast license holders because they can direct to local branches of MCMC without "flying" to the headquarter in Cyberjaya.

In Sabah and Sarawak, there are plenty of vacant FM frequencies, MCMC should allow new frequencies application if a radio station wants to expand the coverage to the target area, subject to the frequency availability and technical criteria set up by MCMC.

In conclusion, MCMC should partially allow the new frequency application of FM radio broadcast for those non-peak coverage.

RTM Minnal FM tuned in Bintulu, Sarawak via Sporadic E signal from Peninsular Malaysia

Minnal FM, the Tamil radio station owned by Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM) is only available in Peninsular Malaysia on radio frequency transmission platform, it is unavailable in Sabah and Sarawak because both states have very less Indians (apporximately below than 300 in major towns/cities).

However, from year 2022 to 2023, my friend, Shafik 1995 captured several Minnal FM frequencies signal in Bintulu, Sarawak through Sporadic E signal propagation from Peninsular Malaysia.

Through Sporadic E propagation, Minnal FM signal availability holds for a while only in Sarawak, but the signal is not available most of the time.

1. FM 98.9MHz Gunung Kledang (1343km)

[Target area: Ipoh and Central Perak]

2. FM 96.3MHz Gunung Ulu Kali (1251km)

[Target area: Selangor and West Pahang]

3. FM 91.9MHz Bukit Istana (1190km)

[Target area: Jerantut, Pahang]

4. FM 90.5MHz Gunung Telapak Buruk (1220km)

[Target area: Negeri Sembilan]

Minnal FM can be tuned in Sabah and Sarawak by following platforms below:


- Astro

- RTM Klik app

Sunday 3 March 2024

RTM Nasional FM 96.5MHz received in Bintulu, Sarawak via Sproadic E, but it is very difficult to identify the transmitting site due to Nasional FM uses 96.5MHz in three different locations.

From 2022 to 2023, my friend Shafik 1995 received Nasional FM 96.5MHz signal in Bintulu, Sarawak via Sporadic E propagation.


First version was released on 2nd February 2022, the video claimed that the signal was from Bukit Bakar. I asked him whether he could get Kelantan FM 97.3MHz in Bintulu or not, he told me that the signal was negative on FM 97.3MHz.


Second version was released on 7th December 2023, but video stated that signal of Nasional FM 96.5MHz was transmitted from Sedili, Johor.


Alongside Bukit Bakar and Sedili, RTM Nasional FM is also using the frequency 96.5MHz in Bukit Tampalagus for Sipitang, Sabah.


As Nasional FM operates on the frequency 96.5MHz in Bukit Bakar (for Kelantan), Sedili (East Johor) and Bukit Tampalagus (for Sipitang, Sabah), it is very hard to identify the transmitter site of this Sporadic E radio signal when tune in Bintulu, but there are several possibilities by transmitter sites.


1. If Nasional FM 96.5MHz Sporadic E signal in Bintulu is transmitted from Bukit Bakar, the listeners may capture Radio Klasik FM 95.5MHz, Kelantan FM 97.3MHz and Minnal FM 100.9MHz signal at the same time.


2. RTM Nasional FM uses 96.5MHz in Sedili, meanwhile Radio Klasik is on FM 100.5MHz. As FM 100.5MHz is used by Red FM in Bukit Setiam for Bintulu, so I'm not able to compare with it because RTM only operates two radio stations in Sedili, Johor.


3. If RTM Nasional FM 96.5MHz Sporadic E signal is from Bukit Tampalagus, Sabah, tuned in Bintulu, other radio stations from same transmitter sites such as Radio Klasik FM 95.5MHz, Sabah FM 97.9MHz, Traxx FM 99.1MHz, Ai FM 99.9MHz and Sabah VFM 102.9MHz may be receivable there at the same receiving time.

Saturday 2 March 2024

Wai FM Iban frequencies list

(24 hours broadcast)

* 101.3MHz: Kuching (Gunung Serapi)

* 106.9MHz: Serian (Gunung Ampungan)

(21 hours broadcast)

* 89.5MHz: Sri Aman (Bukit Temudok)

* 91.1MHz: Engkilili (Ulu Skrang-Skrang)

* 99.5MHz: Betong & Off Spoah

* 94.6MHz: Sarikei (Bukit Kayu Malam)

* 87.6MHz: Sibu (Bukit Lima)

* 102.1MHz: Selangau, Dalat, Kanowit (Bukit Singgalang)

* 98.7MHz: Mukah

* 99.8MHz: Song (Bukit Song)

* 94.3MHz: Kapit (Bukit Kapit)

* 103.0MHz: Belaga 

* 97.5MHz: Bintulu, Tatau, Balingian & Suai (Bukit Setiam)

* 95.3MHz: RTM Bintulu

(18 hours broadcast)

* 95.7MHz: Miri, Kuala Belait & Seria Brunei (Bukit Lambir)

* 98.0MHz: Miri (RTM Miri)

* 95.1MHz: Subis (Bukit TT844 Niah)

(15 hours broadcast)

* 104.9MHz: Limbang & Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei (Bukit Mas)

* 101.1MHz: Mendamit (Bukit Sagan Rudang)

* 94.5MHz: Lawas & Sipitang (Bukit Tiong)

* 90.5MHz: Kampung Siang-Siang, Lawas (Bukit Siang-Siang)

Friday 1 March 2024

RTM Wai FM Bidayuh/Kayan can launch frequencies in Miri Division to separate from Miri FM slot, so Talidio Kenyah and Radio Kayan can have more broadcast hours.


Wai FM Bidayuh/Kayan is currently available in Kuching on FM 106.1MHz and Serian on FM 101.9MHz, the broadcast hours of Bidayuh language program is from 6am to 12pm, then 6pm to 12am, meanwhile Kayan language is from 12pm to 6pm.

In Miri, Radio Kayan is given 2 hours broadcast on Miri FM frequencies, meanwhile Talidio Kenyah is only 1 hour. However, both have 3 hours broadcast on Facebook LIVE or YouTube LIVE streaming.

Radio Kayan broadcasts from 12pm to 6pm on Wai FM Bidayuh frequency. Talidio Kenyah broadcast hours is from 3pm to 6pm, it has airtime conflict with Radio Kayan as both broadcast from 3pm to 6pm together. So, Talidio Kenyah cannot broadcast on Miri FM frequency from 3pm to 5pm due to Radio Kayan.

Meanwhile Radio Kayan is not available from 12pm to 3pm on Miri FM frequency due to Wai FM Iban.

In my opinion, RTM can launch Wai FM Bidayuh/Kayan frequencies in Miri Division, meanwhile Radio Kayan can be removed from Miri FM, then Talidio Kenyah can have longer airtime on Miri FM via radio frequency transmission from 3pm to 6pm, instead of current 5pm to 6pm.


This means Radio Kayan and Talidio Kenyah will be separated by not sharing on Miri FM frequencies. If it happens, Radio Kayan can be tuned by the listeners for 6 hours in Miri, same airtime as Wai FM Bidayuh/Kayan in Kuching and Serian, then the Kenyah radio listeners can tune Talidio Kenyah Miri FM for 3 hours via FM radio. Hence, both of them won't clash each other without sacrificing the airtime on the radio.

To launch Wai FM Bidayuh/Kayan in Miri Division, same as other RTM radio stations, it should have 3 transmitters such as Bukit Lambir, RTM Miri and Bukit TT844 Niah.

RTM Miri transmitting station sends the studio feed to Bukit Lambir. Without RTM Miri, Bukit Lambir cannot receive any signal feed from RTM Miri FM studio, Bukit TT844 Niah is for Subis district where is a blindspot of Bukit Lambir radio transmitter coverage.

==Proposal of Radio Kayan airtime in Miri==

* Suggestion: Launching independent frequency of Wai FM Bidayuh/Kayan in Miri

* Airtime: 12pm to 6pm without clashing with Talidio Kenyah

==Proposal of Talidio Kenyah airtime in Miri==

* Airtime: 3pm to 6pm on FM radio frequency transmission via Miri FM 95.7/98.0/95.1MHz

With such proposal, RTM will have 8 radio stations in Miri Division by following frequencies and transmitter sites below:

==RTM Miri==

* 107.1MHz: Radio Klasik

* 99.3MHz: Nasional FM

* 100.3MHz: Sarawak FM

* 104.5MHz: Traxx FM

* 105.3MHz: Ai FM

* 106.3MHz: Red FM

* 98.0MHz: Miri FM + Wai FM Iban + Talidio Kenyah

* 103.6MHz: Wai FM Bidayuh + Radio Kayan (suggestion)

==Bukit Lambir==

* 91.9MHz: Radio Klasik

* 92.7MHz: Nasional FM

* 88.1MHz: Sarawak FM

* 88.9MHz: Traxx FM

* 89.9MHz: Ai FM

* 90.7MHz: Red FM

* 95.7MHz: Miri FM + Wai FM Iban + Talidio Kenyah

* 107.5MHz: Wai FM Bidayuh + Radio Kayan (suggestion)

==RTM Bukit TT844 Suai==

* 95.1MHz: Miri FM + Wai FM Iban +  Talidio Kenyah

* 97.1MHz: Sarawak FM

* 92.3MHz: Wai FM Bidayuh + Radio Kayan (suggestion)

Suggested frequencies are based on my spectrum band study.

Treat it fairly, Talidio Kenyah can join Wai FM Bidayuh/Kayan, but Radio Kayan airtime will be reduced from 6 hours to 3 hours if it happens.