Sunday 11 March 2018

What if TV9 rebrands to Tamil general entertainment TV station (fiction): Upin & Ipin in Tamil

General entertainment TV station features variety of programs. News, movies, drama, reality shows, documentaries, cartoons, women, lifestyle, comedies and game shows are combined.

TV9 was used to air many cartoon in the past, including its famous Upin & Ipin. Here is the situation if TV9 rebranded as Tamil version of TV3. I just make a fiction by mentioning the reaction of viewer regarding Upin & Ipin in Tamil language.


An Indian kid, names Muthu turns on TV9 (Onbathu TV) to watch his favorite local cartoon Upin & Ipin. Previously he was used to watch original Malay version of Upin & Ipin, BUT he begins surprised and shocked after this.

Muthu: Eihh! What! How comes Upin & Ipin can speak my Tamil language ya? So perfect!!!!  Daddy, please come to living room and you see this.

Daddy: Wow! I'm also surprised too. This is the first time that I know those cartoons are available in Tamil language on free-to-air TV in Malaysia. Previously, during my childhood era, most of animations are either in original languages, or dubbed in Malay/Chinese. Actually, your favorite cartoon Upin & Ipin is dubbed in Tamil, the initiative is to target Indian and Tamil speaking viewers market. Because the big boss of the TV wants to capture Indians market, plus ntv7 is already modern Malay channel, so TV9 becomes "Onbahtu TV" to target us.

Muthu: Good move actually. At least we have another choice to watch our Tamil programs on TV, alongside with Astro and Nam TV. For radio, we already have Raaga and Minnal.

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