Friday 12 May 2023

The most dangerous places where I prohibit myself and all DXers from DXing.

To prioritize our safety during radio DXing outdoors, here are several prohibited places where I don't recommend any DXers (including myself) to approach:

1. Jungles/Rubber Estates/Palm Oil Estates

- Jungles, rubber estates, palm oil estates are the most dangerous place to do DXing with radio receiver because the jungles are consisting with wild animals (notably snakes), and the trees may have beehives randomly without our awareness.

2. Places where may have hidden beehives/hornet nests

Several locations such as buildings, roadside with trees or plants may have hidden beehives where many people are not aware of them because they are randomly spotted if we go to a place at the first time. If we perform DXing with our radio receivers and unintended to disturb the bees, despite we have already distanced ourselves very far from the beehives, we may be attacked by the bees. The bees' stings are very painful, and the sting can cause death due to poisonous liquid from the bees.


I remembered my Kuantan DXing trip from August 2022. Kuala Rompin and Endau were my 2nd day trip, departed from Kuantan on 29th August 2022. I recalled the scene when I was driving to Kuala Rompin from Pekan. Between Pekan and Nenasi, I spotted a beehive was on the top of a tree when I was on my way to Kuala Rompin, the bees were flying surrounding the nest. The mentioned beehive location in between Pekan and Nenasi was very quiet, I only spotted the cars including myself passed by.

Do not approach or engage with the beehives in order your safety.

3. Places where are full with high rise grasses (example: Paddy fields)

The grasses have snakes inside if we don't aware of them, several lands are having snakes' holes where belong to snake's home. We would get attacked even swallowed by the snakes when we are not aware of it.

Snakes are another poisonous wild animals, alongside the bees, scorpions and centipedes.

4. River, water well & Lakes

Another dangerous places after the jungle. River may have snakes and crocodiles, even hidden beehives at the riversides. Without considering weather condition, we could be flooded by the river, even attacked by the crocodiles if we don't realize of it.

5. Army camps

Strictly a super confidential place as camera is not allowed to be used in the military camps to prevent country's confidential from being leaked.


6. Very quiet places where have no people

Also the dangerous places when we perform DXing without accompanies. DXers could become the victim of the crime if they have no awareness of crime prevention. Require at least 1 or 2 accompanies when perform DXing at very quiet places.

Safety is the top priority of DXing and any activities, safety awareness is a must when we do any hobbies. Before running DXing, please reconsider the surroundings and environment conditions by finding a proper and safe locations to protect ourselves and accompanies from any incidents. 

Philip DXing Log cares.

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