Tuesday 30 January 2024

印度尼西亞共和廣播電台 (RRI)其實可以推出中文廣播電台 "PRO-6中華之聲" 來服務印尼華人聽眾, 廣播語言以華語 (普通話), 福建話 (閩南語), 廣東話 (粵語), 客家話和潮州話為主.

印尼政府擁有的印度尼西亞共和國廣播電台, Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), 目前擁有6個頻道, 比如:

* PRO-1: 地方性廣播頻道

* PRO-2: 青年娛樂音樂頻道

* PRO-3: 新聞談話頻道

* PRO-4: 文化頻道

* PRO-5: 音樂頻道, 只限泗水 (Surabaya) 和望加錫 (Makassar)廣播

* 印尼之聲: 對外廣播頻道

其實歷史最悠久的印尼共和國廣播電台可以推出中文廣播頻道 (RRI PRO-6 Suara Tionghoa 中華之聲) 來服務印尼華人聽眾, 覆蓋印尼華僑地區.

印尼也有很多華人, 主要地點是雅加達, 棉蘭, 北甘巴魯.


印尼共和國電台在這些地區可以通過FM頻率傳輸平台推出"PRO-6中華之聲", 比如:

1. 雅加達 Jakarta

2. 棉蘭 Medan

3. 北甘巴魯 Pekanbaru

4. 萬隆 Bandung

5. 泗水 Surabaya

6. 邦加檳港 Pangkalpinang

7. 巨港 Palembang

8. 三寶壟 Semarang


建議的廣播語言是華語, 福建話, 廣東話和客家話. "RRI PRO-6中華之聲"也可以轉播印尼之聲Voice of Indonesia的華語廣播.


個人覺得Radio Republik Indonesia "RRI PRO-6 中華之聲" 不需要通過FM頻率平台在全國廣播, 反而鎖定華人比較多的地區就行.

==我的"RRI PRO-6中華之聲"建議==

* 電台格式: 印尼公共中文廣播頻道

* 語言: 華語, 福建話, 廣東話, 潮州話和客家話

* 覆蓋範圍: 雅加達 Jakarta, 棉蘭 Medan, 北甘巴魯 Pekanbaru, 萬隆 Bandung, 泗水 Surabaya, 邦加檳港 Pangkalpinang, 巨港 Palembang, 三寶壟 Semarang

* 平台: FM頻率和線上廣播


  1. Hello!
    As Indonesian here, I can give you my opinion regarding this blog post:
    1. Majority of Indonesian Chinese (we'll call it Chindo for the rest of thia comment) are fluent in Bahasa Indonesia. Chinese languages (Mandarin, Hokkien etc) are rarely used by that community.
    2. Frequency allocation in the cities you've mentioned above is currently full, no more slot available unless there's a company that will acquire the station(s).
    3. Historical and regulations-wise, it's quite safe for the station to use Bahasa Indonesia as its main language rather than Chinese.
    4. Radio stations is not in their best bargaining position compared to 20 years ago, thanks to digital radios, podcasts and video contents (YouTube, TikTok etc)

    1. 5. I don't think RRI has an obligation to serve niche market. As a public service broadcaster, it is more important to serve remote areas rather than niche market.

    2. Philip DXing Log2 February 2024 at 20:32

      Thanks for expressing your opinion.

      I'm also aware of few Chinese radio stations in Indonesia, operated by commercial broadcasters, like City 95.9FM in Medan and FM 98.3MHz in Jakarta... When these radio broadcasters launch Chinese radio program, it is not a need for RRI to launch such format radio stations.
