Sunday 19 July 2020

Malaysia FM radio station from Kota Kinabalu received in Shimane, Japan?

On YouTube, if you follow and subscribe a Japanese DXer channel, named DFS VHF Shimane Japan, recently this YouTuber publishes his FM radio station receiving signal from Malaysia.

The videos are recorded in Shimane, Japan, the Malaysia radio stations that DFS VHF Shimane Japan that received there are:

1. KK12FM 89.5MHz
2. RTM Sabah FM 89.9MHz
3. RTM Nasional FM 88.9MHz

Three of the Malaysia radio stations that received in Japan are transmitted from Kota Kinabalu, KK12FM 89.5MHz is from Bukit Karatong, meanwhile RTM Sabah FM 89.9MHz and Nasional FM 88.9MHz are from Lawa Mandau, both transmission sites are within the hill.

The transmitting distance from Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia to Shimane, Japan is about 3630km! These DXing are much freak and unbelieavble. If you watch KK12FM 89.5MHz receiving signal video in Shimane, Japan, the KK12FM official YouTube channel comment on the video.

Here are the videos:

1 comment:

  1. I used to follow his channel in the early 2010s until I stopped following him for reasons I can't remember.

    I feel like I envy the world of DXing despite knowing nothing about it or not understanding anything about it.

    Also the DXers I know are exclusively based in the northern hemisphere and are able to get the exotic Sporadic E experience that other places can't get.
