Saturday 14 April 2018

My memories of listening to Red FM (Malaysia)

Red FM was an English radio stations which operated by Star Media Group until 31st December 2015. Until today, it is almost 2.5 years of Red FM ceased its broadcast. Since 30th December 2016, the radio was taken over by Astro and rebranded as Zayan from September 2017.

Red FM was my memories during teenagers moment. I was starting to listen to Red FM since 2009, alongside with Hitz FM and Fly FM. Began from 2009, I loved to listen to Red FM than Fly FM because Red FM played variety of songs from different decades.

I tuned the unfamiliar frequency FM 106.0MHz to listen to Red FM when I was around Southern Selangor, then switched to 104.9 for better reception.

"40 minutes non-stop music" on Red FM 104.9MHz was super awesome to me when I listened in 2009, 2010, 2011 and early 2012, less repeating same music over again like Mix FM. Red FM "40 minutes non-stop music" playlist are from late 1970s till current hits. Actually "40 minutes non-stop music" was applied with Red Drive and Red Evenings, it is available from 10am till 7pm.

During that time, Red FM became "Fastest growing English radio station in Malaysia" by AC Nielsen.

Besides "40 minutes non-stop music" on Red FM, "Skool Daze" was my most favorite weekend programs on Red FM. I was listening to Skool Daze on Red FM every Saturday evening from 7pm onwards. I liked this programmes much because it played English songs from 1970s till early 2000s (noughties), most of those retro hits on Red FM were synthpop, hip hop, pop and dance where we don't usually hear on Lite FM.

Compare with Lite FM, I loved Red FM Skool Daze more, but Lite FM plays more sentimental and easy listening classic hits.

I also liked to hear Red FM played Michael Jackson songs too.

Until 2012, I didn't really listen to Red FM after "Sorry Uncle" campaign where playlist and programs were nearly to Fly FM and Hitz FM, more crappy songs after that. May be they did that to avoid self competition with Capital FM women station where plays rare 1980s and 1990s most of the time.

I felt awesome about Red FM playlist from 2009 till 2012, then 2015. In addition, I also hated some of it. Because its sister station Suria FM is Malay radio station, of course it is very common if Suria has Indonesia song chart show where language is closely related to Malay, BUT Red FM launched a programme known as "Red FM Indonesian's Chart Show", I disliked it because it already made internal competition with Suria FM. In addition, there was no direction on targeted listeners when Red FM launched Indonesian's Chart Show. At last, this programme was short life one, and finally halted.

In 2013, Red FM had changed its logo with tagline "Living It!". To me, the logo looked very simple only. The most attractive show was "The Red Breakfast WTF" because of the branding, the word "WTF" made me to think about the vulgarity "What The F**k". Hahahhahaha! XD

What The F**k show. Hahhahahahha! XD
Definitely not for kids show.

Until the final 2 years broadcasting of Red FM, the playlist genre was changed again. At that time, Red FM shifted its music genre from contemporary hits to rock. From late 2014, no more Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars and other crappy songs on Red FM, but Red FM played rock songs majority such as Linkin Park, The Click Five, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, 30 Seconds To Mars, Coldplay etc. Red FM 2015 was not same as BFM 89.9 where played rock songs.

BFM 89.9 plays independent rock and some oldies, but Red FM 2015 played mainstream rock.

After Red FM ceased broadcasting with Capital FM, Malaysia already lost 2 English radio stations. This already makes me less choice. Before Red FM ceased, I also listened to BFM 89.9 partially for the news and talk.

Hitz, Mix, Lite and Fly are playing same songs over again, they're torturing listeners' hearing when people tune to music radio stations. For most of Red FM listeners, Traxx FM is their choice because it plays variety of English songs, regardless decades and genres.

For the transmission coverage, unlike other radio stations where work well, Red FM had cut down some frequencies in 2009, the most impressive was its Negeri Sembilan frequency 106.0 was closed down. So, Negeri Sembilan listeners needed to tune 104.9 or 98.9, but unstable reception. Meanwhile Taiping frequency FM 98.2MHz from Bukit Larut was closed down due to interference with its 98.1MHz for Kedah, Perlis and Penang, but Taiping could get 98.1MHz. Five years later, Red FM Penang frequency 107.6MHz was ceased and taken over by Capital FM.

That's about it for my stories about Red FM 104.9. If you have stories about Red FM, please do share your memories by posting comment below this page.


  1. I support you

  2. 首先,我的名字叫kelvin我天天都看你的脸子書,我也是位進踪电台及电视频道迷,我也是飞利浦产品的收藏者,特别是收音机和袖珍收音枕,希盜你能扌接受我成为你的一份子。关於丽的fm的历史,先从1996年啟播开始,当初是巴生谷范圍以频道988北至打巴实兆远丹荣马林闺至马六甲柔北至永平(就听到新加坡电台987雜声)1996年尾向南马(清来山)fm100.0及北马(日萊山)fm 103.6 厂播,因受到职总心电台100.3interference才改fm99.9而北马改至96.1 丽的fm从中英巫三语广播,它的粤语广播受到新加技衆的次迎,特别是旅星加坡的香港听眾rfm於1997年中回南北马关丹广播,广播频道也一分为二,纯中文电台叫丽的fm而redfm改为英巫广播,座落在amcorp mall的户外广播室。我最喜欢redfm的xc jazz indie music fussion jazz dj 有ben G YanminYusof NoorNikman 和已故najie中文台有陈峰,沈小岚,郑荣谢滿平,李观发simon等很可惜red fm capital fm lush played indie music 全部一起关台。我有録下当初三间电台所播放節目我是丽的fm的常客,到jalan raja laut19搂 bangunan amdb 会见播昔人,当丽的fmtelapa buruk 用fm93.3直接影響到马六甲麻坡峇株巴辖的听众,因为收听不到yes933而是cochannel至Benut。付上丽的fm啟播时广播时段中文广播(十点至下午三点,晚上八点至十点)巫語(下午三点至六点,午夜至六点)英語(早上六点至十点,傍晚六点至八点)现在換话题。上个月我去巴厘島当地的hard rock cafe拥有广播电台fm87.8发射站就在该店的后方。回程的时俣,经过波德日上空,靠近cape recardo可从收听到love 972andsyphony92.4 just before landed sepang airport and also tv signal from gunung keledang ch6 ch9 andch11 iwould like to focus on melaka why?原因是地理位置特殊特別是甲币区,你可收听到新加坡电台及电视台100.3及power98.0除外958,905,942,950,933会是cochannel你也可收听到bengkali906 and971fm收到最请楚是沿海帶及高耧其他地方看天氢而定,有时候訊号特別強涟大马电台都interferrence tv channel ch12 andch28受影响cocha nnel靠近air keroh' bukit beruang 山上可收听到来自bukit besi kl tower ulu kali telapa buruk 訊号877 1009 1075 1013 1079 889 899 972etc特别有趣是suria fm105.3 当下山的时候变johor fm105.3每当天气好的时候全甲市区可得fm訊号從浦来山及bukit batok 及新加坡数码电视訊号。在之前我也收听world space radio 衛星电台广播(包抱yes933)也有雨架sonyiICFworld receiver and philipsradio receiver fm from76 mhz to108mhz 现在用tecsun receiver我拥有兩本1986及1987world radio handbook 手册当年大马广播以中波广播至1985年才用單声道調频fm mono广播至1994年fm stereo其实沙巴已经用fm广播了大马半岛1975fmstereo广播95.0mhz ulukali radio malaysia ibu kota fm mono bukit besi1979其他地区巴生谷马六甲及怡保1985 penang johor bahru and others 1990johor bahru fm stereo1988107.5 新加坡60年伙已经用fm广播1969年fm stereo1982全部电台改用fmstereo当初大马电台只有三个中波频道除了吉隆坡多了一个首都广播网,梹城北海澳洲空军电台東海岸三叶兩个其他怡保马六甲及新山三个,全国广播网(马来语)藍色广播网(英語)翡翠厂指网及红色广播网(华语和淡語)共用一个频道过后必须用短波收听。早在1989年前有地方性广播四种語员。广播室分佈在新山马六甲(南马广播)梹城及怡保(北马广播)瓜登(东海岸)目前只有国语广播。立卑,豐盛港,宜力及加影(原住艮广擼am720khz)是最后終止中波广播地区年份不太清楚。fm stereo95.0ulu kali山1985改用fm95.3mhz这星期六会上云顶摞浏ulu kali频道,如天气好的话可收看到印尼analog电视節目,关於astro电台歌曲很多时候都重复,原因是用电腦儲蒇款曲很有限不像早期用黑膠唱片及激光唱片。最后我很希望能和你再分享广播回亿綠,如改天来马六甲靖联络我,因这平台是公开的不便透入联络,只能通过fb

  3. it was used to be very good between 2008-2011
