Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Bukit Djin transmitted Kuching radio stations tuned in Lundu, Sarawak (by Sarawakians_12)

In Lundu, Sarawak, the Kuching radio stations are tuned loudly and clearly, but only for those are transmitted from Gunung Serapi such as RTM radio stations, Hot FM 94.3MHz and Cats FM 99.3MHz.

Bukit Djin or Bukit Antu transmitted Kuching radio stations signal are varied if we tune them in Lundu, Sarawak.

Here are the random radio reception videos of tuning 3 Bukit Djin transmitted radio stations in Lundu, Sarawak, uploaded by a YouTube.

1. Hitz FM 95.3MHz

2. MY FM 96.9MHz

3. IKIM FM 93.7MHz

4. Era FM 96.1MHz

Tuning distance between Bukit Djin and Lundu is about 52km.

Their signal are weak in Lundu as Bukit Djin transmitter site height is lower.

Lundu is likely the last coverage of Bukit Djin transmitted Kuching radio stations, meanwhile no signal can be tuned in Sematan, Sarawak.

Other than these radio stations, Sarawakian_12 also publishes a brief radio reception post of tuning Bukit Djin transmitted Kuching radio stations on YouTube community tab.

However, I will make video version of tuning Bukit Djin radio stations in Lundu and Bau, Sarawak in August 2025, a full result will be published in September 2025.

BONUS: Radio Republik Indonesia RRI Entikong PRO-1 FM 100.7MHz tuned in Lundu, Sarawak, Malaysia (104km), the furthest radio station tuned in Lundu as February 2025.

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