Monday, 27 January 2025

FM DX: Bagan Datuk, Perak (27th January 2025 edition)

After conducting FM DX in Sabak Bernam, Sungai Besar and Sekinchan, Selangor, during my departure from these locations to Teluk Intan, I make a last minute decision to visit Hutan Melintang and Bagan Datuk, Perak.

Different from 2022, my aim to visit Bagan Datuk and Hutan Melintang is to record few more leftover DX radio stations, mainly Pahang FM (107.5/100.3), Selangor FM 100.9 and Asyik FM 102.5MHz which are regional radio stations.

In 2022, I caught many Indonesia FM radio stations signal in Bagan Datuk, Perak.

==Bagan Datuk==

1. Pahang FM 100.3MHz Gunung Brinchang transmitter has better signal strength reading than 107.5MHz Gunung Ulu Kali transmitter in Bagan Datuk, but in terms of current audio quality, 107.5MHz is better.

2. Compare to Teluk Intan, RTM Asyik FM 102.5MHz Gunung Ulu Kali in Bagan Datuk is clearer, but it has little adjacent channel interference with Raaga FM 102.4MHz Gunung Jerai transmitter.

3. BFM 89.9, Best FM 104.1MHz, Minnal FM 96.3MHz and Selangor FM 100.9MHz from Gunung Ulu Kali are very clear in Bagan Datuk.

4. Minnal FM 98.9MHz Gunung Kledang transmitter has interference with 988 FM 98.8MHz Gunung Ulu Kali in Bagan Datuk, but Minnal FM is tuned clearly via 96.3MHz from Gunung Ulu Kali in Bagan Datuk.

5. I randomly tuned Hot FM 90.5MHz Bukit Larut signal in Bagan Datuk. It is weaker than what I tune in Teluk Intan, but Hot FM is tuned clearly on 104.5MHz from Gunung Kledang there.

6. The signal of Best FM 104.1MHz from Gunung Ulu Kali is clear in Bagan Datuk, Perak without co-channel interference from Perak FM 104.1MHz Bukit Larut transmitter.

==Hutan Melintang==

1. Asyik FM 102.5MHz Gunung Ulu Kali can be received moderately in Hutan Melintang.

2. For Pahang FM 100.3/107.5 in Hutan Melintang, it has same radio reception as Bagan Datuk. To me, 107.5 is better than 100.3 overall.

Bagan Datuk is my last location to perform FM radio DXing in Perak state. I'm signing off at noon by departing back to Teluk Intan after completing my radio DXing mission in Sabak Bernam, Sungai Besar, Sekinchan, Hutan Melintang and Bagan Datuk.

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