Monday 23 November 2020

Emergency annoucement: My YouTube channel Philip Yong DXer Malaysia is suspended, please visit my alternative channel.

On 20.11.2020 at 1824 hours in the evening, I suddenly received a notification email from YouTube that my channel Philip Yong DXer Malaysia was suspended for violating community guidelines under "spam, scam and commercially deceptive content".

I felt pissed off and unhappy of the decision, even I had filed an appeal. It is very pain to lost my YouTube channel Philip DXer Malaysia which establish more than 5 years and having 3400 videos, plus almost 4000 subscribers. Hence, I would make a decision to overcome this issue other than make appeal again.

Suspension period is subjective, it is unknown how long it will be lasted, despite it sounds safer than termination. Termination of YouTube account is to completely remove the entire channels. I don't put full expectation that my YouTube channel Philip Yong DXer Malaysia will be restored, but it is perfect if it is come back one day.

In fact, I'm a DXer from Malaysia, publish far radio propagation footage on YouTube to target DXers around the world. May be I have too much of footage to publish, the spam detectors may realize my videos. Besides that, I was used to submit twice of monentization application, but rejected for reused content. Then, I tried to readjust my brand description and little content, so I did try my final luck to reapply monentization. Less than 24 hours, I was suspended. Hmmm... I was just trying my luck to have side income via DX on YouTube.

I noticed that the monetization application has only 3 times (including two times of appeal), but it is unfair to me if my channel was suspended under this reason (including spam content). If YouTube rejects my monetization application, YouTube shall ban my monetization features, rather than suspend my whole channel.

My old channel suspension may be likely because my channel content does not meet the monetization policy.

Rest in peace, Philip Yong DXer Malaysia. I would like to thank to all subscribers and viewers for supporting my channel, but alternatively, you can visit me at alternative YouTube channel, namely Philip DXer 0110.

About Philip DXer 0110, I will republish certain best FM DX footage from 2015-2020 which I made on Philip Yong DXer Malaysia and share on my alternative channel. For the footage, I will make them in a group video, rather than individual uploads to reduce duplications which can be considered as spam. Example: radio stations DX in Penang. (rather than individual radio DX in Penang).

Unlike my previous channel which was used to become non-formatted content (means variety which consists DXing, music, entertainment and parodies), but this newly launched alternative YouTube channel Philip DXer 0110 will fully concentrate on identification of FM/MW/SW/LW/TV far distant propagation.

Please do support and don't forget to subscribe my alternative YouTube channel at Philip DXer 0110.

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