Friday 5 May 2017

解答City Plus FM巴生谷, 森美蘭頻率FM 106MHz的收線和發射素質

馬來西亞首家財經電台City Plus FM在2017年5月2日正式啟播, 在巴生谷, 森美蘭, 馬六甲, 柔佛東北部和彭亨中部的頻率為FM 106.0MHz..

節目方面, 我個人不會在這兒說出任何意見因為這個部落格是主要談到廣播技術事宜.
City Plus FM主要鎖定的地區是大城市,和財經商業地區... 巴生河流域是他們的主要鎖定地區因為此地區是馬來西亞國內企業公司佔第一的區域.

基本上, 我們以為City Plus FM在巴生谷的收聽頻道會跟其他電台如one FM 88.1MHz, My FM 101.8MHz, Ai FM 106.7MHz, 988 FM 98.8MHz, Melody FM 103.0MHz這麼清楚. 其實City Plus FM 106.0MHz在巴生谷的收線素質不像其他電台這麼理想..

據了解, City Plus FM 106.0MHz的發射地點不是跟My FM 101.8MHz一樣, 但City Plus FM 106.0MHz是跟My FM森美蘭頻率100.6MHz的發射地點一樣.

City Plus FM剛剛啟播, 我也追蹤它的臉書專頁, 同時發現到有些網友對City Plus FM 106.0MHz的線路感到超級不滿意...

City Plus FM 106.0MHz是從森美蘭Gunung Telapak Burok發射, 但主要覆蓋範圍是在森美蘭 (除了淡邊), 巴生谷南部和馬六甲西部.


Q1: 為甚麼City Plus FM巴生谷頻率是在森美蘭發射, 而不是雪蘭莪/吉隆坡境內的發射站?

A1: 巴生谷電台主要發射站是坐落在彭亨雲頂高原的Gunung Ulu Kali, 是中馬區域最戰略的發射站, 因為高度有1774米. Gunung Ulu Kali是中馬區域最高的山峰, 覆蓋了不少地區. Gunung Ulu Kali主要的覆蓋地區有吉隆坡, 雪蘭莪, 霹靂南部, 與彭亨中西部. 森美蘭, 馬六甲部分地區, 柔佛東北部分地區還是可以收到Gunung Ulu Kali的訊號. City Plus FM無法在Gunung Ulu Kali設有頻道來覆蓋巴生谷因為發射塔空間不足, 雖然空缺頻率還是存在的. Gunung Ulu Kali這麼戰略的發射地點, 是廣播者最想要使用的地區.

除了City Plus FM, 馬來西亞還有幾家電台也面對以上的問題, 如首要媒體的Kool FM, 馬新社電台FM 93.9MHz和一個馬來西亞青年志願團IM4U FM 107.9MHz. 兩年前, 我曾經跟馬來西亞多媒體委員會其中一個官員討論, 談為何當時的Ultra FM 101.3MHz (現在為Kool FM), Bernama Radio 93.9MHz和IM4U FM 107.9Mhz不是在Gunung Ulu Kali發射. 然後他說Gunung Ulu Kali發射塔沒有空間, 發射塔已經無法支援新發射器. 之後, 我建議這三家電台在Bukit Cincin發射, 他說廣播者不喜歡在Bukit Cincin發射, 主要原因是發射塔是屬於Celcom天地通. 加上Celcom已經沒有提供廣播傳輸服務. 馬來西亞伊斯蘭研究所電台Ikim FM巴生谷頻率91.5之前在Bukit Cincin發射, 過去幾年Ikim FM聽眾面對收聽問題, 有時發射出問題, 除了91.5之外, Ikim FM北馬頻率89.0MHz之前也長期面臨發射問題. 自從2016年6月初, Ikim FM的頻率發射服務都轉向馬電訊TM, 意思指Ikim FM使用TM的發射塔.

Q2: 有人建議City Plus FM把Gunung Telapak Burok 106.0MHz的發射功率增加至5kW和10kW, 但是為甚麼MCMC馬來西亞多媒體委員會不允許這麼做呢?

A2:目前沒有任何一家電台在Gunung Telapak Burok的發射功率是超過2kW. MCMC不允許任何電台在Gunung Telapak Burok的發射功率超過2kW因為會導致對其他電台干擾. 實際上Gunung Telapak Burok和Gunung Ulu Kali的頻率距離必須至少400kHz會比較好, 但是大部分的電台的距離依然200kHz,和300kHz. 想下, 如果City Plus FM的Gunung Telapak Burok頻率106.0Mhz是5kW或10kW, 這可以對其他電台產生嚴重干擾, 除非對方安裝高通過濾器 (high pass filter).

Gunung Telapak Burok的發射除了可以到馬六甲, 柔佛北部, 彭亨中部和巴生谷之外, 也可以到印尼部分地區...


105.7MHz: Lite FM Gunung Ulu Kali
106.0MHz: City Plus FM Gunung Telapak Burok (5或10kW)

106.0MHz: City Plus FM Gunung Telapak Burok (5或10kW)
106.1MHz: 愛FM Bukit Pelindung

以上的頻率分析, 如果City Plus FM使用功率超過2kW, Lite FM 105.7MHz和愛FM 106.1MHz會在各自的覆蓋範圍內受到干擾. 這意味著對方的聽眾在覆蓋範圍內收聽電台時因為受到干擾而面臨收聽問題..

Q3: 除了Gunung Ulu Kali之外, 巴生谷境內還有兩個發射站Bukit Sungai Besi和吉隆坡塔, 為何City Plus FM不適用這些地區發射呢?

A3: 雖然Bukit Sungai Besi或吉隆坡塔可以覆蓋巴生谷, 甚至在吉隆坡境內的收線素質超越Gunung Ulu Kali, 但是覆蓋範圍依然有限制, 然後不比Gunung Ulu Kali發射範圍來得大. 實際上, Bukit Sungai Besi或吉隆坡塔的頻率依然有限.

如果City Plus FM在巴生谷境內的發射站開設FM 91.9MHz, Bukit Sungai Besi不是很適合91.9MHz因為太靠近91.7MHz Gunung Telapak Burok. Bukit Sungai Besi離Gunung Telapak Burok不會很遠, 就算91.9Mhz可以通過, 但是City Plus FM 91.9MHz Bukit Sungai Besi或KL Tower 還是依然會在巴生谷一些地區自己受到91.7的干擾

目前沒有任何私營廣播者在KL Tower有頻率.. KL Tower可說是屬於RTM的, 在吉隆坡以外的地區收線素質未必好. 比如我在巴生谷境內 (吉隆坡以外)聽Traxx FM 90.3MHz [雪蘭莪沙亞南, 蒲種, 巴生], 線路未必清楚, 但是100.1MHz Gunung Ulu Kali在這兒很清楚.

如果Gunung Ulu Kali 發射塔還有空間, City Plus FM可以在那兒發射... 可以用FM 106.1MHz覆蓋巴生谷, 霹靂南部, 彭亨中西部, 森美蘭, 和馬六甲部分地區....


  1. Good analysis.

    (1)What about non-360 degree transmission, i.e. re-position antenna, only concentrate at south-west (melaka, N.S. and part of north Johor) & north-north east (Klang valley) directions only? With your analysis and CP's limitation (cash), CP cannot go on all direction transmission if they only want to rely on 106MHz to cover Klang Valley well.

    (2) I was in communication with Best 104 engineer many years ago (early 90s if my memory is not wrong, and they were on 10 kW from Ledang, trying to cover Klang Valley (reception quality on moving vehicle = current CP's performance). The separation with 95.0 MHz (Hitz from telepak Burok - only 200kHz) is OK, no interference/overlapping and both transmission are good in Seremban and Melaka (but now it is reduced to either 2 kW or 5 kW - after the inception of 104.1 Mhz from Ulu Kali). This was a real case, I experienced it (i.e. reception quality on moving vehicle) personally and I still feel 5 kW is still workable, with condition don't go on all-direction (i.e. 360 degree)transmission, but on specific directional transmission.

    The above was suggested as CP lack of fund (pls refer to their facebook on 5 May 2017) to expand its transmission in Klang Valley. Should CP continues with current configuration, I am quite confident they will close shop in 2-2.5 years time. As at 5 May 2017, CP transmission is slightly better vs. 104.6 MHz (Lite- 2 kW), worse than Ai & Traxx (89.7 MHz & 88.7 MH respectively, @ 1kW only- source from Asiawave). Funny, both govt stations' signal is very much stable, louder and clearer vs. CP FM. This is the field reception evidence I personally experieced in Klang, Shah Alam, Federal Highway and my hometown Kajang. CP FM is far too soft in volume and my 2 speakers are having problems now! On a 4 storey building, I can have a straight line view of Telepak Burok, as well as Ulu Kali's transmission building, and yet CP's Kajang town reception quality is unsatisfactory. From here u can imagine how bad it is.

    Bro. JPY, the conclusion: I still in the opinion that CP FM has made a major inappropriate tactical decision by acquiring this 106.0 MHz license. I don't have inside info but outright it is wrong to acquire this frequency to cover its major market (i.e. Klang Valley).

    Personally, I will not listen to it (ear sickening, soft volume, shi-shi, sha-sha interference/sound)and perhaps to fall back to BFM.

    Last but least, brovo and TQ for doing a kind job (for CP). Guess I will rest my case here.

    1. actually it is better use directional antenna to beam northwest direction by increasing the attenuation of the antenna pattern

  2. Good article and analysis for CP FM.

    It's just frustrated to see the TM transmitter on the strategic location (G. Ulu Kali, G. Jerai, G. Ledang, etc.) can't meet such the high demand number of radio station.

    Personally I would suggest TM to add another transmitter tower besides the current transmitter tower to meet the high demand from the broadcast industry.

    1. Gunung Ulu Kali has one empty frequency (106.2), but no tower spacing... Beside Gn Ulu Kali has Bukit Cincin, but Celcom tower...

      Talk about Gunung Jerai, all radio and TV stations use Upper Jerai tower... Beside upper Jerai, there is Lower Jerai, which is owned by Celcom. IKIM FM 89.0 was formerly used in Lower Jerai, Penang and North Perak cannot receive it.

      Gunung Jerai has no frequency actually.

      But Gunung Ledang has some empty frequency like 91.5, 87.5, 101.7, 103.9, 100.8/100.9
